CHAPTER 4: Family

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Joong's POV:
I left the café with my mood ruined. Does that guy have any decency? I mean, does he know how much this whole fit costs. I just wanted to get out of this outfit immediately. I got in my car and opened up my phone to check the time. I realized it was time to pick up Gem. Normally, pond would pick him up, but since today I was free, I insisted on picking him up. Besides, I feel i barely hang out with him anymore. I miss him, and I know he misses his big bro, too. I arrived at the school waiting for him. I waited for nearly 10 minutes. Until I saw him walking towards me in the car with a big smile.

Gemini: "PHI!! You came!"

Joong: "Ofc, I did! Why wouldn't I?

He was smiling at me until he noticed the spilled coffee stain on my shirt and asked me about it.

Gemini: "Phi, what happened to your shirt?" He asked with a worried look.

Joong: "Oh, this. Um, just a little incident at a café I visited this morning. There's no need to worry."

Gemini: "O-kay. You didn't do anything stupid, did you."

Joong: "Wdym?"

Gemini: "Phi, we both know you're a hot tempered guy."

Joong: "I AM NOT." I shouted.

Gemini turned around and looked out at his window. I could tell he was mad. As the youngest Gem will always get spoiled. He would barely get shouted at.

Joong: "Gem." I called out softly.

Joong: "Gem, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to shout at you."

He turned his attention back on me.

Gemini: "Phi, I care about you. You do know that right."

Joong: "Mhm."

Gemini: "I just think sometimes you should control your anger. Let that person finish what they we're gonna say. Before you throw a tantrum."

Joong: "I don't th-row a t-antrum."

Gemini gave me a side eye to that response.

Joong: "Look, I had the right to be mad. It wasn't any type of drink. It was coffee that was burning hot, okay?"

Gemini: "Whatever, let's just go home. He said.

I ruffled his hair, and he gave out a little chuckle.

Time stamp

We arrived home. Gemini ran straight to the bathroom to freshen up. 'Jeez, what's his rush.' I thought. It's like he's waiting on a call from someone special. I went straight to my room and got out of the shirt. I looked at my chest, which was red. Probably from the coffee, which then again was burning hot. I went to my bathroom and freshen up and put on some new clothes. I went downstairs to see Pond carrying bags of groceries.

Joong: "Pond." I called out.

Pond: "Oyy joong instead of standing there why don't you come help me and your mom." He said.

I went over to help them both bring the groceries from the car into the house.

Joong: "Mae, why did you go to pick up the groceries. You could have asked one of the maids to do it. In fact, where are the maids"

Namtan: "I gave them a break. I mean, they work non-stop they deserve it, and I realized we were running low on groceries, so I went to go buy some. Since pond was here I asked him to come with me."

Joong: "Oh."

Namtan: "Anyway, where's Gem?"

Joong: "He's upstairs."

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