CHAPTER 11: From Foes to Feelings

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Joong's POV:

I went in the house to look for Dunk as I saw Fourth dragging him this way.

Joong: "Dunk!" I practically shouted.

Dunk: "Joong over here."

I went in the direction he called me. I saw him with Fourth and Gemini.

Gemini: "Oh, phi got worried that he lost his little red." He said teasingly.

I wasn't having it. I just gave him an annoyed look.

Pond was also searching for them.

Pond: "There you guys are. Come out it's time for joong to give his speech and to cut Mae's cake."

We all nodded and headed out.

Author's POV:

Mark: "Joong there you are. You ready to go up."

Joong nodded and made his way to the front.

They all sang happy birthday and cut the cake. It was time for them to give presents. Everyone gave their presents. Joong was the last one. So he took his present that he bought with dunk the other day out of his pocket.

Joong: "Here you go, mae! Happy birthday!" He said, giving the box with the necklace and leaning in for a hug.

Namtan hugged her son back really tight. It was really rare that joong hugs his mom. He's not really the type to show affection to others, nor is a physical touch person. Complete opposite of Namtan.

Namtan: "Oh baby, thank you! I love it!" She said, releasing herself from the hug and giving him a kiss on the cheek.

Joong: "Mae!" He said, embarrassed as many people were watching.

Namtan: "What? It's my birthday."

Everyone laughed.

It was time for dinner. All the party guests were sitting and enjoying the meal. It's was time for joong's speech. He made a toast.

Joong: "Hello everyone! Hope you're enjoying your dinner. It's a real pleasure to have you all here to support this company and our family. I'm really honored to be the heir and take the role of being the leader to aydin Industries. I will do my best to make this company more successful than it already is. I hope you can stay patient and support me. To end it off, I just want to thank my parents (Mark & Namtan), brother (Gemini), my best friend (Pond), and my boyfriend dunk." He said, finishing the last sentence, looking at dunk.

Dunk almost choked on his water, hearing his name. Fourth looked at his brother, shocked and surprised, while gemini was just smiling ear to ear.

Dunk: "Ahem! I think it's time for me and fourth to head home." He said, panicking and getting up.

Namtan: "Oh, but the parties not done yet, and dessert will be served at any moment."

Dunk: "Please, don't bother. It was already a pleasure enough to be invited. Besides, phuwin might be waiting for us at home." He said an excuse to get out of there.

Before, namtan can say anything else. Dunk dragged fourth out of there.

Gemini, Joong, and Pond looked at each other and started giggling as they saw the way dunk panicked.

Namtan: "What are you 3 giggling about? Who's gonna give them a ride?"

Joong: "I will mae." He said as he stood up.

Mark: "No, you need to stay. Sit back down." He said, and joong sat back down.

Namtan: "What about you, Gem?"

Fates Interwined (JoongDunk, PondPhuwin & GeminiFourth)Where stories live. Discover now