CHAPTER 20: Little White Lies

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Pond's POV:

Me & Joong were at Aydin Industries. Mr Aydin (Mark) wants joong to take full care of the company and not goof around. These past few months, he's been making some arrangements, making it easier for joong to take over.

Joong: "Pond?" He called out, getting me out of my thoughts.

Pond: "Hmm? Yeah, what's up?"

Joong: "Can you read over these files. I highlighted the key information. I'm hoping it might help us with our upcoming project."

I smiled and nodded.

Joong: "Alai wa? Why are you smiling?"

Pond: "Nothing. It's just good to see you acting mature and actually stepping up your game as CEO."

Joong rolled his eyes to that statement while I let out a chuckle.

*knock*  *knock*

We heard someone knocking on the door.

Joong: "Who could that be?" He looked over at me, confused.

I shrugged and went over to open the door. To my surprise, I see phuwin standing with a bag of pastries.

Pond: "What are you doing here?" I couldn't help but ask.

Joong: "He's here for me. Phuwin bring the snacks in." He calls him.

Phuwin nodded and walked past me into the room. He placed the bag carefully on the desk. I went and stood next to phuwin and gave him a confused face.

Joong quickly opened up the bags to see cookies with smiley faces on them. He couldn't help but smile looking at them.

Pond: "I didn't know you guys did deliveries." I whispered.

Phuwin: "We don't. But when phi joong asked, phi dunk immediately told me to go deliver these to him. Unbelievable."

Pond: "That is strange." I said and looked into his eyes. He did the same.

Joong: "Anyway, phuwin, thanks for the food. Tell your phi I said thank you."

Phuwin nodded as he gave a wai and left. I went ahead and closed the door behind him.

Pond: "Ok, spill?" I said, crossing my arms and walking towards joong.

Joong: "What?" He questioned back.

Pond: "Between you and Dunk. Him giving you treats when you asked for it. What happened between you two yesterday?"

Joong: "Nothing." He said with a blank face.

Pond: "You're lying. I can tell."

Joong: "How? I'm not wearing any expression."

Pond: "Whatever. Now tell me, what happened?"

Joong: "I confessed yesterday." He said with a huge smile.

My eyes widened hearing that.

Pond: "What? You what now? Come again."

Joong: "Why are you acting surprised?"

Pond: "W-what, what do you mean why im surprised. You literally said a couple of days ago you didn't like him, and now you confessed your love to him." I asked in disbelief.

Joong: "Oh, come on, you know, I actually didn't mean it when I said I didn't like him." He said, rolling his eyes.

Pond: "Well, yeah, I knew, but it still shocks me. Why didn't you tell me? What did he say?"

Fates Interwined (JoongDunk, PondPhuwin & GeminiFourth)Where stories live. Discover now