CHAPTER 6: Mixed Signals

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Joong's POV:

Me and Pond got up our seats and went up to pay at the cashier. I told Pond i would go wait in the car. He agreed. So I headed out. As I headed out, I saw a man struggling to carry all those garbage bags. So I went to help.

Joong: "Excuse me, sir, let me help you with those?" I said, getting a few bags from him.

Him again. I should have known.

Dunk: "Thanks, si-"

Joong: "What, why did you stop your thank you." I asked, kinda upset that he stopped once he found out it was me.

Dunk: "Oh um... thank you."

Joong: "You know I just left the cafe so I don't run into you again, but with my luck, you're everywhere I go. What are you following me?" I asked, teasing him.

Dunk: "Me following you, oh please, im pretty sure it's the opposite." He said, opening the bin for us to put the garbage bags in.

Joong: "What so you're accusing me of following you?"

Dunk: "Well, yes! Besides, you're the one at my cafe after all. Aren't you?" He said confidentiality and turned to leave.

I stopped him by holding his wrist. He turned around. His attention was all on me.

Joong: "Where do you think you're going?"

Dunk: "B-back in the café." He said, giving me a confused yet scared look.

For someone who just a moment ago talked to me confidently and now is talking to me like it's a life or death situation. I couldn't help but laugh. I'm not gonna lie. I found him cute at that moment. What no joong who are you calling cute. You hate him, remember. I shaked my head and replied.

Joong: "Well, I'm not done talking.

Joong: "Besides, don't you remember our deal last time."

Dunk: "W-what d-eal?"

Joong: "You know from the last time we met."

His mind was still blank.

Joong: "Here, why don't I refresh your memory."

Joong: "I came just like this." I said and moved closer to him.

Joong: "And said th-" Before I could finish, I got interrupted.

Dunk: "Oyy, Shia joong! He said and pushed me back."

I couldn't help but chuckle.

Joong: "You remember now?" I asked, amused of his reaction. His face was red like a tomato.

Dunk: "Yes, and what just for that small incident? You're gonna punish me for internity. Why can't you just let it go and leave me alone. I mean, that happened a week ago. How long are you gonna hold a grudge on me? Can't we just leave the past in the past."

I couldn't help but get mad at that response. I was trying to be nice, but he's really getting on my nerve. So I moved once again closer to him. This time, I pulled him by his collarbone.

Joong: "Well, sorry, I'm not the type of person that forgives and forgets easily." I said with anger in my tone.

I could see he was scared and frightened. I pushed him back lightly.

Joong: "Sorry. I didn't mean to get upset like that." I said quickly, apologizing.

Joong: "Look, if you want my forgiveness, you got to earn it. Which is why I want you to do me a favor." I said.

I wanted whatever this is between us to be over. Like Gemini said as the CEO, I need to learn to control my anger, or else I will just create unnecessary enemies, which will be bad for business. I mean, I could go the easy way and apologize, but where's the fun in that. I thought.

Fates Interwined (JoongDunk, PondPhuwin & GeminiFourth)Where stories live. Discover now