CHAPTER 23: The Trip (1)

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Phuwin's POV:

It's been a month since I found out about Hia and Phi Joong. Phi joong is looking for the right moment to ask Hia to be his boyfriend. Hopefully, it's soon. I'm glad Hia finally found someone to take care of him. Gemini and Fourth are also doing good together. Apparently, it's their one year anniversary a couple of days ago. They both went out to celebrate. As for me, my love life, well, it's not so great.

Dunk: "Phu! You awake!" He said as he knocked my door.

Phuwin: "Mhm! Yeah, be right out." I said as I let out a groan.

We closed up the cafe for the next 3 days as we're traveling with the Aydins. Apparently, we're going to Chiang Mai. It's a trip for the Aydin family and their boyfriends. Though Hia and Phi joong aren't dating yet, they are in a fake relationship in front of Mr. and Ms Aydin. I don't know why I have to go. But Hia insists as he doesn't want me to stay alone and because the aydins invited me.

I got up and got dressed. I quickly packed up a suitcase with clothes and other essential needs as I headed downstairs.

Phuwin: "I'm ready and all packed." I said as I headed down.

Dunk: "Great! Here, eat this." He said, passing me a bowl of Khao Tom.

My mouth became watery seeing it. Phi dunk's Khao Tom are the best. I once tried making it myself as I was craving it, but it wasn't as good as Hia's. There was something about Hia's Khao Tom and hit different.

Fourth: "Hia! I need your help packing." He said, calling from upstairs.

Dunk: "Coming! Phu finish eating up while I go help fourth."

I nodded while Hia headed upstairs.


Dunk: "Ok, were all packed?"

Fourth & Phuwin: "Krub!" We said in sync.

Phuwin: "Phi, how are we all gonna fit the car. There's 5 people in their family and 3 in ours." I questioned as it's been bothering me for a while.

Hia looked over at fourth, who just shrugged in response.

Dunk: "I'm not so sure."

Fourth: "Hia, Gem just texted. Their here."

Hia nodded and headed out with me and fourth following him.

My mouth was left hanging when I saw what we were going in.

Namtan: "Hi boys!"

We greeted her with a wai while saying 'sawdee krub'.

Phuwin: "Hia were going in this van?" I questioned.

Dunk: "Looks like it."

Phuwin: "It's so huge." I whispered.

Hia let out a small chuckle.

Joong: "Here, let me help you with your luggage." He came from behind, offering to help hia.

Gemini: "I will help you, baby."

I faked a gag.

Pond: "Here, why don't I help you."

Phuwin: "No, I can manage."

Pond: "Please!" He said in the voice so gentle.

I just nodded.

Me, Hia, and Fourth got into the car while they were putting the luggage in the back. Mr and Ms Aydin were on front seats.

Mark: "You must be phuwin. Nice to meet you!" He greeted me as I got in the van.

Phuwin: "Oh, hello, sir!"

Fates Interwined (JoongDunk, PondPhuwin & GeminiFourth)Where stories live. Discover now