CHAPTER 28: New Home & New Beginnings

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Author's POV:

1 year later

Dunk and his brothers moved in with their aunt and her son in Pattaya city. He wasn't staying for a while. Only until he found a house. He didn't want to disturb his aunt further.

Dunk: "Phuwin & Fourth, come down to eat." He called his brothers down.

Dunk's aunt was setting up the table.

Dunk: "Oh, mae som let me do it." He said, offering to help.

Pa Som: "Thank you, Dunk! Book, you should learn from him." She said as she went to the kitchen.

Book: "Oho, dunk! Don't do too much or else mae will just expect more from me." He teased.

Dunk chuckled.

Phuwin and Fourth both soon came down.

Fourth: "Oii hia! What's food? I'm starving." He asked whining.

Pa Som: "Your brother woke up early and made your favorite. Khanom Pang Na Moo." She said as she placed the dish on the table.

Fourth: "Oho hia! You're the best, na!" He said as he gave a small peck on his cheek before sitting down.

They soon all sat down on the dining table and were eating their breakfast.

Pa Som: "How yeah dunk I been meaning to ask you? How is work? How has your job been recently?"

Everyone's attention was on dunk.

Dunk: "It's going great! We're getting a new project and partnering up with another company. So there's a chance I may come later than usual."

She nodded. Dunk worked in a business company. It suited him well as he studied business growing up.

Dunk: "Fourth, you're graduating soon. Let me buy you gift na."

Fourth smiled and nodded.

Book: "Oh phuwin, I'm attending a party this evening. I was wondering if you would like to join."

Phuwin: "Party? What party?"

Book: "Force's party. I asked Dunk, but he said no." He said, now looking at dunk.

Dunk: "Well, I'm sorry, but parties aren't my thing."

Book rolled his eyes.

Fourth: "Why can't I come? I'm old enough to attend parties."

Book: "Okay, then tag along. It would be fun. What about you phuwin, you coming?"

Phuwin: "Sure, why not?"

Book smiled.

Pa Som: "Alright, Alright, eat your food, or you're all gonna be late." She said as she chuckled.


Phuwin would drop Dunk off at the company before he headed to work. While Book would drop Fourth off at school before he went to work.

Dunk worked at Force's company. Force was Book's childhood friend. So Book somehow got his way around and convinced Force to give Dunk a chance. The truth was Force gave him the job because of Book, but he could really see the potential Dunk has. He knows his company can go further with Dunk around.

Dunk: "Alright, here's my stop." He said as they arrived.

Phuwin: "You sure you don't want me to pick you up later." He asked, worried.

Dunk: "No, I will manage. I can just take the bus. You enjoy the party with Phi Book."

Phuwin: "Fine, but call me once you get home." He warned, pointing his finger.

Fates Interwined (JoongDunk, PondPhuwin & GeminiFourth)Where stories live. Discover now