CHAPTER 18: A Night to Remember

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Author's POV:

It was the day of Loy Krathong. Dunk, Phuwin, and Fourth were all getting ready.

Phuwin: "Fourth, come down already." He yelled.

Fourth: "I told you guys I don't want to come."

Dunk: "Nonsense. I know you're still devastated with mae gone, but that doesn't mean you can't have fun. I know mom would be happy to see you enjoy yourself and make new memories. Now go get dressed."

Fourth nodded and headed up and got dressed.


They were all in the car driving to the festival. Dunk was driving. Phuwin next to him and fourth in the back seat.

Phuwin: "Fourth would you stop making a grumpy face and smile a little." He said, turning to face Fourth.

Dunk: "Come on fourth. Phuwin is even coming, and he usually never goes out to festivals like these."

Phuwin gave him a side eye to that.

Fourth opened up his phone to see photos from Gemini. It was pictures of phuwin. He said Pond took them on their date. Phuwin was making funny faces in all these pictures. He burst out laughing, scrolling through all the pictures.

Phuwin: "Alai wa?" He turned to fourth.

Dunk: "Why are you laughing?" He said, looking at him through the rearview mirror.

Phuwin: "Right, weren't you grumpy just a moment ago."

Fourth: "Phi phuwin-" He said, not being able to finish his sentence as he was too busy laughing.

Dunk: "What did you do?" He asked, looking towards phuwin.

Phuwin just shrugged as he was way confused then dunk.

Fourth: "Oh, that was a good laugh. Your right phi. I should be happy during this time. That's probably what mae wants as well."

Dunk: "Good, even though I have no clue what changed your sudden mood." He said, focusing on the road.

Fourth just smiled.

Phuwin also got a message, but it was from pond. It was the pictures they took last time on their date.

Phuwin: "Shia!" His eyes widened, looking at the pictures.

Fourth: "Oh, looks like you understand why I was laughing now." He said, peeking through phuwin's phone.

Dunk: "What? What is it?" He asked, confused of his brothers behavior.

Phuwin: "Nothing!" He said, hiding his phone.

Dunk: "Fourth, you're telling me about it later."

Phuwin: "No, don't you dare fourth." He turned threatening him.

Fourth gulped.

Dunk: "Why are you threatening the poor boy?"

Fourth: "Yeah, leave me alone."

Phuwin rolled his eyes and gave an annoyed face.


Joong, Pond, and Gemini were already at the festival. Dunk, Fourth, and Phuwin just arrived.

Joong: "Dunk! Over here!" He called out.

Dunk turned to the direction he heard the sound. He saw joong waving at him and gesturing him to come over there. Dunk was gonna go where he was when he saw a girl approaching joong. The girl was none other than film.

Fates Interwined (JoongDunk, PondPhuwin & GeminiFourth)Where stories live. Discover now