CHAPTER 21: Promise Rings

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Dunk's POV:

I made up an excuse and left the café early. Joong invited me to go complete sculpting our cup. The truth is we're done. We just had to decorate it and add further details.

I told joong not to meet me at the café as many brothers know how joong's car looks and will ask too many questions if they see him. I told him to meet me in the street right next to the café. I walked to that street and saw his black Mercedes. I went over and knocked on the door.

Joong: "Oh, you're here!" He said he unlocked the door, and I got in.

Joong: "So how's my teerak doing?"

I rolled my eyes.

Dunk: "Are you hitting on me or my boyfriend?" I asked, annoyed.

Joong: "Well, technically, we are fake boyfriends. Remember our deal." He said, leaning in.

I gave him a light push.

Dunk: "Enough." I said, being done with him.

He just chuckled and started the car. The first few minutes were silence. It was not awkward silence but more of a calming silence.

Joong: "Dunk." He called my name.

Dunk: "Hmm?" I said, giving him my full attention.

Joong: "You know my ex-girlfriend kapook."

I nodded.

Joong: "Well, she moved to Germany. Apparently, she found some new guy. Guess she's finally over me." He said with a sign of relief.

Dunk: "That's good. Your family can stop worrying about yours and theirs safety."

Joong just smiled and nodded.

We soon arrived at the location. We entered the same building we were at the day before.

The worker gave us our cup, which had now dried. We went and took our seats and decided what we should paint on our cup.

Dunk: "How about a flower?"

Joong: "What kind of flower?"

I shrugged.

Dunk: "Well.... how about a sunflower?" I said, waiting for his response.

He smiled and responded.

Joong: "A Sunflower. I like it. It reminds me of you."

Dunk: "Me?" I asked, pointing at myself, confused.

Joong: "Yes, you because you're always cheerful, optimistic, and always seeing the brighter side of every situation."

Dunk: "But you don't even know me that long to know that or never seen me that way either."

Joong: "I know, but I can tell. The way you act towards your brothers and care for your customers. It's not really hard to tell." He said, coming near me. I felt his breath against mine.

I gulped and moved back, giving us some room.

Dunk: "Um.... yeah, I guess a sunflower works."

Joong: "Alright!" He said as he smiled.

We were first painting the background. We painted it, baby blue. My favorite color, and it turns out it's also joong's. To be honest, as much as we had our differences. We actually have a lot in common.

Joong: "Your really good at art dunk." He said, complimenting my drawing skills.

We just finished painting the background, and now I have been working on drawing the sunflower. Joong insisted on me to do it as he was scared he may ruin it.

Fates Interwined (JoongDunk, PondPhuwin & GeminiFourth)Where stories live. Discover now