CHAPTER 16: Whispers of The Heart

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Dunk's POV:
I was working at the café but my focus was elsewhere. I couldn't stop thinking about that kiss.

Dunk: "I can't believe I kissed him." I said in a low tone while washing the dishes.

Phuwin: "Kissed who?" He said, coming from behind.

I got startled and turned around to see phuwin, who looked confused.

Dunk: "N-nothing! I didn't kiss anyone. W-where did you get that idea from?"

Phuwin: "O-kay." He said, giving me a side eye.

I just chuckled nervously and went back to washing the dishes. Turning my back on phuwin.

Phuwin's POV:

I headed back home early. I asked Phi to manage the café alone as I had an important place to go to. That's right. Today was the day. My date with pond. I'm not gonna lie by saying I'm not excited. When, in fact, I am excited. It's the first time a guy has asked me out after what happened with Mork. A trauma I will never forget. But why bring him up when I'm in a good mood.

I put on some casual clothes as we are just going to the movies.

*ding dong*

I quickly headed downstairs as I heard the doorbell ring. I put my shoes and coat on as i opened the door to see Pond standing there with a bouquet of flowers.

Pond: "For you." He said, handing the flowers to me.

I let out a small but soft smile towards him.

Phuwin: "Why did you bring flowers?"

Pond: "It's our first date. Why can't I?

I rolled my eyes to that.

Pond: "You look good today. My handsome boy." He said, giving a wink with the brightest smile.

I couldn't help but blush at that. What did he just call me? I thought.

Phuwin: "Come... let's go." I said, pushing him and closing the door behind me.

We both headed to the car. Pond being the gentlemen, he is opened the door for me. We got in and drove off. I noticed a pair of eyes of me. I turned to see Pond looking at me.

Phuwin: "Alai? Why are you staring at me like that."

Pond: "I'm just admiring your beauty."

I face started to heat up as soon as I heard that.

Phuwin: "Oii, stop saying nonsense and focus on the road." I said, giving him a small slap on his arm.

He chuckled in response.

We finally arrived at the movies. Pond bought us popcorn and drinks. We went looking for our seats. The movie started. I laughed and cried. But I noticed Pond's attention was else where. He kept staring at me.

Phuwin: "The movie is playing over there."

Pond: "I'm aware."

That made me turn to him facing him.

Phuwin: "Then why do you keep staring at me?"

Pond leaned closer to me. Our faces so close to one another that we can feel each other breaths.

Phuwin: "W-what are you doing?" I asked, feeling a little startled.

He took his thumb and wiped the corner of my lip.

Pond: "Got some food over there."

???: "AHHHH!!!!" Someone shouted.

That sound got me startled that I jumped up my seat, spilling the popcorn all over me.

Fates Interwined (JoongDunk, PondPhuwin & GeminiFourth)Where stories live. Discover now