CHAPTER 13: So it's a Date!

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Phuwin's POV:

Phi dunk came back with pond following him. Phi looked kinda stressed, and it looked like Pond was reassuring him.

Phuwin: "Ahem!" I said, going towards them and interrupting their little moment.

I don't know why I felt a sudden jealousy. Phi talks to all types of guys like joong. But I never felt this sudden jealously towards them the way I feel for pond. It was the type of feeling I felt with Mork when we were together, and I saw him talking to other girls.

Pond: "Phuwin! How have you been?"

I gave him a quick glare and turned my attention to phi.

Phuwin: "Phi dunk you alright. You look like you have something on your mind."

Dunk: "Oh, yeah, I'm fine. Just a little headache."

Phuwin: "Well, you sit down. I will make you some coffee."

He nodded and went to go sit on a chair.

Pond followed me to the kitchen. I turned to him and gave him a glare.

Pond: "What?" He asked, raising his eyebrows.

I rolled my eyes at that comment.

Phuwin: "Why are you in here?"

Pond: "What I can't come in?"

Phuwin: "Yes, now get out."

Pond: "Come on, can't I stay." He said, pouting.

Phuwin: "Ugh, fine, whatever." I said, annoyed.

Pond just smiled and watched me make the coffee.

Pond: "How's your finger?" He asked, looking somewhat concerned.

Phuwin: "Why do you care?" I asked with my full attention on the coffee.

Pond: "Just wondering. Does it still hurt."

Phuwin: "It did at first, but it's healing now." I said, turning to get some sugar.

What I didn't realize was that there was a tea sachet laying on the floor. I accidentally slipped on it. I was so close to falling, but I felt a hand on my waist and the other on my head. Holding me back up.

Pond: "Are you always this clumsy?" He asked teasingly.

Phuwin: "N-no." I said, giving a little push and getting back up on my feet. My face was heating up.

Pond: "Is it really that hot in here?"

Phuwin: "H-huh, what was that?"

Pond: "I was just asking because your face is all red." He asked, smiling.

Phuwin: "U-uh yeah.... I have to go give this to phi." I said as I took the coffee and left the kitchen immediately.

I went out to see my phi waiting. I walked towards him and handed him the coffee.

Author's POV:

Dunk: "Finally! Does it really take this long to make coffee." He asked, rolling his eyes.

Phuwin: "Sorry, Phi, I was also taking care of other orders."

Dunk: "I know. I know I was just teasing." He said as he took a sip of the coffee.

Phuwin: "Phi, if you have a headache, maybe you should go home and rest. I can take care of the café. Its not that busy today."

Dunk: "No, it's fine. I have been taking too many breaks lately, leaving you all alone."

Fates Interwined (JoongDunk, PondPhuwin & GeminiFourth)Where stories live. Discover now