CHAPTER 14: Kiss & Lie

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Dunk's POV:

I just arrived home from the café. My head was pounding. I thought the coffee would have helped, but for some reason, it just made it worse. I went to go lie down on my bed and take a quick nap, but I heard the doorbell ring.

Dunk: "Oyy, who could that be?" I said as I went down to open the door.

Dunk: "Joong? What are you doing here?" I asked, surprised to see him at my poarch.

Joong: "Can I come in?" He asked.

I nodded in response and moved out of the way, making space for him to come in.

Dunk: "So... what are you doing here?"

Joong: "Pond said you weren't feeling well."

Dunk: "It's just a headache. I'm fine, you can go hom-"

Joong: "I bought food. I'm guessing you still haven't eaten."

I shaked my head.

Joong: "Then come sit, and I will serve you."

I just obeyed him and sat on the kitchen counter chair.

Joong: "Where do you keep your plates?"

Dunk: "Over there in the cardboard next to the stove."

Joong went over there and took a plate out.

Joong: "Here. Eat this. It might help."

Dunk: "Mhm. Thanks. Aren't you gonna eat?"

Joong: "I'm not that hungry right now. Maybe later."

I just nodded hearing that.

Time stamp

I finished eating the food and offered joong if he wanted to watch a movie.

Dunk: "You wanna watch a movie?" I asked.

Joong: "What movie?"

Dunk: "I don't know. Probably, one of the most recent ones."

He chuckled and nodded.

Dunk: "Alright then. Let me quickly wash this." I said, getting up.

For some reason, the moment I got up, I felt dizzy. My vision started to become blurry, and my head was spinning like crazy. Before I knew it, I lost balance and felt I was about to fall. Luckily, joong was there and caught me in time.

Joong: "Shia Dunk. You're burning up. You have a fever." He said, looking worried and somewhat concerned of my health.

Joong carried me in bridal style upstairs and took me to my room. For some reason, he knew which room was mine out of the 4 rooms. He placed me on the bed and covered me with the blanket.

Joong: "Where do you keep the medicines?"

I pointed at the drawer next to the bed. Joong quickly opened up the door and got the medicine out.

Joong: "Wait here, let me get you some water."

With that joong went down and got water. He made his way upstairs with the medicine pill in one hand and water in the other.

Joong: "Here, take this and then drink this."

I slowly got up and took the medicine while drinking the water.

Joong: "You need some rest lie down and sleep for a while. I will make you some hot soup afterward."

I nodded weakly and took a nap.

Fates Interwined (JoongDunk, PondPhuwin & GeminiFourth)Where stories live. Discover now