CHAPTER 27: The Break-Up

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Author's POV:

Phuwin and Dunk entered the café to see Fourth with Pond, Joong & Gemini. They all looked worried.

Fourth: "Hia Dunk, Hia Phuwin!" He didn't wait any second and immediately ran to them. He hugged them both so tight.

Fourth: "I was so worried about you guys. Where were you?" He asked as they pulled out.

Dunk and Phuwin looked at each other.

Dunk: "What are you guys doing here?" He asked Joong, Pond & Gemini.

Joong: "I stopped by to come see you. Fourth said that you went to get Phuwin and that he was missing."

Dunk: "Well, it's nothing. So please feel free to leave."

Joong: "Oh, come on, na! I came all this way, and you're gonna just kick me out.

Dunk: "Joong, I need to talk to you."

Joong: "Yeah, sure!"

Phuwin was holding back and shaking his head. He knows Dunk is doing this for him and Fourth. But he doesn't want to see his brother alone like all those years.

Dunk gave a small gesture and smiled, whispering, 'I'm fine.' Phuwin still refused to believe, but he knows how stubborn his brother can be so gently let his grip off.

Dunk headed inside the kitchen, gesturing Joong to follow.

Joong: "What is it you wanted to talk about?" He asked, curious.

Dunk: "Joong.... let's break up." He let out. His heart shattered as he said those words.

Joong: "What? Why?"

Dunk: "Because I'm not ready to be in a relationship."

Joong: "Oh please, Dunk, that's clearly not the reason. Tell me the truth. What is it, actually? Did something happen?" He asked genuinely worried. His voice became soft as he spoke.

He didn't want to lose Dunk. Everything that's happening, he just wants to think of it as a dream.

Dunk: "Okay, fine, you wanna know the truth. I don't love you. I never loved you. I only used you to get close to your money. So you can buy me these useless gifts and I can sell them to earn some cash. I never once cared about you and your love but only the money. That's the truth."

Joong: "You don't mean that. What's going on?" He said on the verge of tears.

Dunk: "Look, I don't have a ring, and do you even have a bracelet on my hand. No, because I sold it. I told you I only used you for money."

He said and left the kitchen. He knew he couldn't look at Joong anymore, or else he would just break down in front of him.

Joong soon came out. Anger and rage all on his face. He gave one last look to Dunk, but Dunk didn't dare to look back. Joong didn't wait no moment and immediately left. Pond followed. He could tell something happened between them. Gemini waved goodbye to everyone and also left.

As soon they all left, Dunk immediately broke down and fell to the floor crying. Phuwin and Fourth rushed to him. Phuwin immediately hugged him as he was the only one aware of everything that was happening.

Fourth: "Hia? What's wrong?" He asked, worried, looking at his brother's state.

Phuwin: "Fourth, hia broke up with phi joong."

Fourth: "Why?" He asked, confused.

Phuwin: "I will explain to you later. Get the car started and I will bring hia."

Fourth nodded and did as phuwin asked.

Dunk: "It hurts Phuwin. My heart aches. I couldn't.... even look at him." He said in between sobs.

Phuwin: "I know, I know. Why don't you just go back together with him? I can't see you like this, na."

Dunk: "No, I can't. She might come back and hurt you again or maybe fourth. I don't want to risk it."

Phuwin: "So you're just gonna throw away your happiness to protect us."

Dunk just nodded.

Phuwin: "Your unbelievable hia!" He said with a smile, hoping to light the mood.

Dunk just let out a small laugh as he nodded. He wiped his tears.

Phuwin: "Let's go fourth is waiting." He said as he helped dunk up and brought him to the car.

The car ride was silent. No one spoke. Fourth drove as neither Dunk or Phuwin were in the mental state to.

As soon as they got home, fourth decided to break the silence.

Fourth: "What happened? Where were you? Why did Hia kick Phi joong out? Hia, why did you break up with him? I want the truth now."

Phuwin: "It's really nothing fourth."

Fourth: "No, stop lying! I can tell there's something going on. It's so obvious. But you guys always hide it. What am I not part of this family anymore? Don't I have the right to know what's going on?"

Dunk: "Fourth calm down. We're moving. I knew I wouldn't be able to do long distance relationship so I ended things with joong."

Fourth: "Moving? Why are we suddenly moving? Don't I have a say in this?"

Dunk: "No, I made my decision. We're moving its final."

Fourth: "But hia-"

Dunk didn't let fourth finish as he made his way upstairs.

Fourth: "What is going on? I'm so lost right now."

Phuwin: "Get packed." He said, patting his shoulder and giving a reassuring smile as he also made his way upstairs.

Fourth: "What is going on?" He wondered, confused as he scratched the back of his neck."


Hello! Double update today! The story is soon gonna come to an end soon. So stay tuned. I will try to update as much as possible. Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Let me know what you think. <3🩵🤭

Fates Interwined (JoongDunk, PondPhuwin & GeminiFourth)Where stories live. Discover now