CHAPTER 15: A Storm of Feelings

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Gemini's POV:

I was driving to fourth's house to pick him up for university. Usually, my phi will drop me off, but after everything that's happening, my mom thinks it's best for him to stay home for a while. As I got there and parked the car, I saw Fourth waiting outside for me. He smiled the moment he saw me and ran towards the parked car.

Fourth: "Good morning, Gemgem!" He said happily as he got into the car.

Gemini: "Morning Fotfot! You seem to be in a good mood."

Fourth nodded.

Gemini: "So what? You're not gonna tell me why you're in a good mood."

Fourth shaked his head to that. I chuckled as his cuteness.

Gemini: "Alright, don't tell me." I said, faking a pout.

Fourth: "Oho! Stop making that face and just go. We're gonna be late."

With that, I started the car and began driving.

Fourth: "Oh gem! I need to tell you something."

Gemini: "What is it?" I looked at him confused but still focused on the road.

Fourth: "Well, it's about phi dunk. But he doesn't want phi phuwin to know, and well, i'm sorta in between it all."

I put my one hand on his thigh and reassured him that it was alright. He gave me a warm smile, which gave a thousand butterflies in my stomach.

Fourth: "Gem.... phi dunk kissed phi joong."

Gemini: "Huh?" I said, hitting the car brakes as hard as I can.

Fourth: "Are you trying to kill us?"

Gemini: "Wait, wait... what did you say?"

Fourth: "Never mind! Forget it."

Gemini: "Fourt-"

Fourth: "Gemini! I don't think now is the time to talk about this. We're gonna be late, and you freaking stopped in the middle of the road." He said frustrated.

I understood he was mad and started the car and continued driving again. The rest of the ride was silence. Neither of us spoke. I noticed Fourth looked upset. He was fine just a while ago. What happened now? I wondered.

We finally arrived. As soon as I parked the car, Fourth immediately stormed out. I followed him and kept calling out his name, but he ignored me. I decided to let it slide for now and talk about it later as we were already late for class.

Time stamp

School ended. I was looking for fourth. I couldn't find him during lunch either. Where could he have gone?

Satang: "Oii Gemini! What's are you still doing here?"

I turned to see my best friend approaching me.

Gemini: "Oh, what's up, satang?"

Satang: "Didn't you bring your car? Why are you still here then?"

Gemini: "Well... I'm waiting for fourth. Have you seen him?"

Satang shaked his head.

Gemini: "I think he's mad at me. But I don't know why."

Satang patted his shoulders.

Fourth: "Gemini!" He shouted.

I turned to the direction I heard the voice.

Gemini: "Bye, my friend!" I said and ran to fourth.

Fates Interwined (JoongDunk, PondPhuwin & GeminiFourth)Where stories live. Discover now