CHAPTER 5: Bitter & Sweet

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Dunk's POV:

We were running low on groceries, so I decided to hit the market to buy some with phuwin. We decided to open the café a little late today. As we finished buying the groceries and left the market. We ran into a Boba store. Phuwin kept begging me asking for Boba.

Phuwin: "Please, phi, please. I really want Boba." He whined.

Dunk: "No phu, we have to bring the groceries home and then head to open the café."

Phuwin: "I know, phi. But it will be really quick. Please phi." He said, pouting like a little kid.

I smiled.

Dunk: "Yeah ok quick." I said and gave him money.

Phuwin: "Yayyy phi! You're the best." He said, giving me a kiss on the head. Then, I ran towards the store.

I was laughing and looking back at him and accidentally bumped into someone.

Dunk: "Sorry." I said quickly as I turned my attention to the person I bumped to.

Joong: "YOU AGAIN." He shouted.

I was surprised. What are the odds I run into this guy again. I thought.

Joong: "What's your problem? Why do you always bump into me? Are you trying to ruin my day again?"

Dunk: "Look, sir, I didn't mean to bump into you it was just an accident, and at the café I tripped over a rug and spilled that coffee on, but I immediately apologized and offered to give you a new one. But you were just being a stuck-up jerk." I said. I was shocked by those words that came out of my mouth.

Joong: "How dare you call me that? He said and came close to me.

I was nervous and moved back a little. He came close to me again. Leaving no space between us. He leaned over to my ear and spoke.

Joong: "I don't want to let you ruin my day again. But that doesn't mean this is over."

I gulped. While he smirked and pushed me to the side and left.

Dunk: "JERK." I yelled.

I quickly got up and wiped off all the dirt on my pants. Then I heard phuwin and turned back.

Phuwin: "Phi!" He yelled, causing me to turn around.

He ran towards me.

Dunk: "Oyy nong what took you so long huh. We're gonna be late to open the café."

Phuwin: "Phi! Sorry it took me a while. But there was a pretty long line."

Phuwin: "Dont worry though, I got you one too. Here." He said, handing me a Boba.

Dunk: "Thanks. Now come, let's get going now." I said.

A week later

I was at the café and surprisingly, I ran into him again. Yes, I ran into joong. Ugh, how I hate that guy. Especially after our encounter. Though I was surprised to see him here again, especially after what happened last week. I never thought he would come back. But he didn't come alone. He came along with a friend. They approached the counter.

Dunk: "Hi, what can I get you two." I asked them both.

Pond: "One latte." He said, giving me a small smile.

Dunk: "And you, sir." I said, trying to avoid eye contact with him. My focus was just on the note pad that I was taking their orders on.

Joong: "I'm not hungry."

Pond: "Really, buddy, you were the one whining and complaining that you were hungry in the car. That's why I stopped at the nearest place."

Joong: "Well, not anymore." He said and gave a small punch on his friend's arm.

Fates Interwined (JoongDunk, PondPhuwin & GeminiFourth)Where stories live. Discover now