CHAPTER 2: Stirring Tension

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Dunk's POV:
I parked the car in front of the school near the sidewalk. I was waiting for fourth to come. When I saw a familiar face. It was none other than joong archen. I was surprised to see him here. I wanted to get out of the car and go once again to apologize to him for what happened earlier. But I knew he probably didn't want to see me right now. I could tell he was also waiting for someone. He probably has a younger sister or brother who studies at this uni, and he came to pick them up. As I kept staring at joong, I heard a knock on the door. I turned to see fourth smiling and mouthing. "Unlock the door." I quickly unlocked the door. Fourth opened the door and came in.

Fourth: "Hey, phi! I didn't expect to see you! Where's phi phuwin?"

Dunk: "Well, I just felt like picking up my nong today. I left phuwin to take care of the café."

Fourth: "Oh, ok! So who's that guy you were staring at."

I lightly punched him on his arm.

Fourth: "Oyy phi!" *he said, chuckling*

I chuckled with him.

Dunk: "Come on, how about I take you to buy some sushi at your favorite place."

Fourth: "Really!! Omg yes, please!"

I smiled hearing how excited he was, so I drove to his favorite sushi place.

At the sushi place

Dunk: "So how was school?"

Fourth: "Ohhh school was so boring the teachers and the lectures. Ugh, I hate it, Phi."

Fourth: "Phi, why don't I just drop out. I mean, there are many people who are successful that dropped out of uni."

I started laughing hearing fourth's response. The way he said it. He was so cute. Fourth may be 21, but he is still a baby to me. The way he talks and acts always gives me a little kid's behavior.

Dunk: "No nong! You're not dropping out of uni."

Fourth groaned.

Time stamp

We arrived home. But I didn't go inside. I had to go back to the café it's been an hour since I left phuwin all alone to take care of the café.

Dunk: "Ok nong, I have to go now! Stay home and behave, ok? Dont open the door to strangers. I will be home later tonight."

He nodded and smiled.

Fourth: "Yes, phi! Safe drive."

I nodded and drove off to the café.

Fourth's POV:
I entered the house and quickly walked over to the couch. I was exhausted and tired. School was so boring. I almost fell asleep throughout all the lectures. It was that boring. I got up and went up the stairs. I freshened up and walked over to my desk where my phone was charging. I turned on my phone to find 17 messages from "gemgem❤️" . I opened them to see.


Hi, fotfot!
What are you doing?
I just got home from school!

Text me back when you can!
Or call.
Whatever works for you.
I will be waiting.

Fotfot are you there?
What are you up to?
I miss you!
I wanna hear your voice rn!
I wanna see your beautiful face!

Baby, I have to go now.
Text me back when you can.
I will be waiting.
I love you😘

I got flustered reading all these messages. Gemini is my boyfriend. We're secretly dating each other. We didn't wanna make it public knowing it would become a big deal and because gemini still hasn't come out to his family yet. I, on the other hand, already told my brothers, and they were both really supportive of it. They also know I have a secret boyfriend, though they never seen or met gem. They found out. I'm not the best at lying, especially to my brothers. They both know me from in and out.

Fates Interwined (JoongDunk, PondPhuwin & GeminiFourth)Where stories live. Discover now