CHAPTER 24: The Trip (2)

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Phuwin's POV:

I woke up to see my alone on the bed. Of course, I was aware pond was sleeping next to me. I mean, I was the one who told him to, after all.

Pond: "Oh, you're awake!" He said as he came out of the bathroom.

I just nodded.

Pond: "Go brush your teeth, and let's go down to eat. You hadn't eaten yesterday either." He said using a gentle voice.

I'm surprised he still hasn't brought up about last night. But then again, I'm pretty relieved as I wouldn't know how to respond back to him.

I nodded. I got off the bed and ran to the bathroom.

A couple minutes later

I brushed my teeth and came out to see Pond on the bed on his phone.

Phuwin: "What are you still doing here? Why haven't you headed down?" I questioned.

Pond: "Well, I was waiting for you. But not that you're here, shall we?" He said as he got up and offered me his hand.

Phuwin: "Well, aren't you a gentleman?" I teased and rolled my eyes.

He let out a small laugh. His laugh was so addictive to listen to.

He gestured me to head out first. I nodded and left the room with him following me behind. As we headed downstairs, everyone was already there waiting for us but also giving us weird stares.

Namtan: "Oh, I can't hold it in anymore. What did you two do last night that you guys didn't come down for dinner?" She let out while grinning.

My eyes widened. They don't think we....
I mean, there's no way. But they probably think that.

Phuwin: "Nothing. We just slept early, that's all."

Fourth: "Really?" Fourth asked, smiling.

I nodded. Everyone looked at each other, smiling. I nudged pond to help me out. But it looks like he was enjoying it too much.

Pond: "Everyone! Phuwin is right. We just freshen up, unpacked and headed right to sleep. Nothing happened."

They all nodded. I just rolled my eyes and went ahead and took a seat. Pond sat in the seat next to me as that was the only available spot.


Fourth's POV:

Me and Gemini headed to the beach. Phi Pond and phi joong were helping Mr Aydin with the barbecue while hia dunk and hia phuwin went shopping with Ms Aydin. They asked Gem and Gem, but we denied it as we wanted to go to the beach and spend some quality time with one another.

Gemini: "Nice view, isn't it." He asked as we got there.

I nodded.

Gemini: "Come, let's go for swim."

Fourth: "No, we just got here. Let's just relax and enjoy the vie-"

Before I could finish, Gemini carried me in his arms and dropped me in the water.

Fourth: "Gem!" I yelled while he just laughed.

I pulled him into the water with me.

Gemini: "Oii fourth!" He yelled.

Fourth: "Now you see how it feels." I teased as I splashed his face with the water and ran away before he can catch me.

Gemini: "Oiii, come back here na." He said, chasing me.

We were having fun in the water. Splashing one another, laughing, playing. We were enjoying each other's company. How I didn't want this day to end. I could stay like this forever. With him, Gemini by my side.


Back at the House

Author's POV:

Namtan, Phuwin, and Dunk just got back home from shopping. They were all laughing as they came in.

Namtan: "Oho! Gosh, I never laughed that much in my life. Thank you, boys, for accompanying me today."

Phuwin: "It was our pleasure, ma'am!"

Namtan: "Please feel free to call me mae, phuwin. I mean dunk and fourth do. I look at you 3 as my own sons."

Phuwin smiled and nodded.

Namtan: "Well then, you two go freshen up while we they get the barbecue going."

Dunk and Phuwin nodded and headed upstairs.

???: "Mae, you're back!" She turns to the direction she heard the voice from.

Namtan: "Oh pond. I thought you were at the back."

Pond: "I was. I just came in. You need any help."

Namtan: "No, but what's going on between you and phuwin." She said with a grin.

Pond: "Nothing, nothing! Why would you assume that?"

Namtan: "Pond relax. I like phuwin. He's really nice, and I feel like you should make a move on him soon."

Pond signed as he responded.

Pond: "Don't you think I'm trying, Mae."

Namtan: "Not hard enough, I assume. I mean, who could resist your charm." She said as she pinched his cheek.

Pond just let out a smile.

Namtan: "Besides all 3 of them, resemble a friend of mine from high school. I'm starting to wonder if they are her kids."

Pond: "What will be the odds of that?" He said as he let out a chuckle.

Namtan: "Anyway, I'm gonna put these bags back in my room and freshen up."

Pond nodded, and with that, Namtan headed upstairs.


Gemini's POV:

We were done playing in the water, and Fourth was hungry.

Gemini: "Why don't we head back then? I'm pretty sure they started the barbecue."

Fourth nodded. I heard his stomach rumbling. He put his hand over his stomach to stop it. I couldn't help but laugh as his cuteness.

Fourth: "Oiii, are you laughing at me?" He said, pouting.

I just smiled and squeezed his cheeks.

Gemini: "Come, let's go!" I said, taking his hand in mine.

We walked back to the house. Everyone was outside.

Namtan: "Oh boys, you're here. Go freshen up and come out to eat."

We both nodded and headed to our bedroom. I let fourth freshen up first. I went after.

Gemini: "Oh, you're still here! Didn't I tell you to go downstairs." I said as I came out of the bathroom.

Fourth: "No, I wanted to wait for you!" He said, clinging onto me.

I smiled at how cute he was. I gave him a quick kiss on the forehead.

Gemini: "Let's head down, shall we."

Fourth nodded, and we both made our way downstairs.

Hi! Happy pride month!🏳️‍🌈🥳 Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Let me know what you think. Sorry for the short chapter. I will try to update soon with a longer chapter. Thanks for reading! <3🩷😊

I know I'm late for this, but have you watched 'We Are' episode 9. My PondPhuwin heart. Hopefully, we will get to PhumPeem together in the next episode. I can't bear to see my pond baby sad.😭❤️

I also can't for 'My love mix-up'. Which will air next week. I missed seeing Geminifourth together on-screen! Their chemistry is unmatched.🥰

Fates Interwined (JoongDunk, PondPhuwin & GeminiFourth)Where stories live. Discover now