CHAPTER 1: The Unexpected Encounter

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Dunk's POV:
It was a normal sunny day here in Bangkok. I was working at the café with phuwin. Phuwin usually helps out in the day. While at night, he goes to sing at bars to earn extra cash for us. I told him it's not necessary, but phuwin insisted he wanted to help. The day was going well until this unexpected guy entered. He was wearing a white t-shirt with a black leather jacket on top and denim jeans on the bottom. I could tell that this guy was rich, especially because there were girls squealing and running in his direction.

Girl 1: "Ahhhh, your Joong Archen! The son of Mark and Namtan Aydin!!!"

Girl 2: "You're also the new CEO and heir of aydin Industries eekkk!!"

Girl 1: "Can I please have your autograph?"

Girl 3: "No, I want his autograph first."

Girl 4: "NO, me!"

Joong: "Ladies, ladies, there is enough of me to go around. You will all get your turns. Just wait patiently."

I was confused. The guy just walked in and is giving out his autographs to these girls who kept screaming and squealing at him. So what was he a celebrity or something and even if why would he walk into this small based café and that is out of his league. I was all up in my thoughts until I heard phuwin calling me.

Phuwin: "Phi phi"

Dunk: "Huh yeah, what's up, phu?"

Phuwin: "What were you just thinking about?"

Dunk: "Nothing!"

Phuwin: "Ok? I just called to ask if you knew who the guy standing in front of our door was!"

Dunk: "No? Why? Who is he?"

Phuwin: "Oyy phi, you're so clueless! That's the joong archen. CEO of aydin Industries. Son of Mark and Namtan aydin!"

Dunk: "So what is he a billionare"

Phuwin: YES! And he's at our café! I wonder why, though?

Before I could answer back to phuwin, I saw a figure approaching the counter, and it was none other than joong. I was about to go take his order, but phuwin insisted on doing it. It made sense because he actually knew him, unlike me, so I just stood aside and let me him it.

Phuwin: "Hi! sir, what can I get you?

Sir? I was surprised by phuwin words. Since when does he call someone Sir. This joong archen guy must really be something.

Joong: "Um, I will take an espresso."

Phuwin started to write down his answer.

Phuwin: "Ok, and is that all sir?"

Joong: "Yes, and please stop calling me sir, it makes me feel like im a celebrity." *he chuckled*

Phuwin: "But you are kinda like a celebrity. I mean, you are the new CEO of Aydin Industries."

Joong didn't say anything to that he just chuckled and went to find a seat.

Phuwin started laughing and then turned to me.

Phuwin: Phi, can you take this while I take the other orders.

Dunk: Sure!

I made my way to the kitchen and made the espresso. I was gonna ask phuwin to serve it, but he was busy taking customers' orders. So I decided to take it myself. While I was on my way to serve his drink, I tripped on the loose rug. I spilled the drink all over joong. Everyone was staring at us. I felt so bad. I immediately got up and started to apologize while trying to wipe his shirt with some napkins, but he pushed my arm away.

Joong: AHH!! THAT'S HOT!!! *he got up from his seat*


Dunk: "I'm sorry I didn't mean..."


Dunk: "I'm sorry, I will go make you a new espresso."


He got up and left the café. Everyone's eyes were on me. But I didn't care. My mind was somewhere else. I was standing there in shook, still comprehending what happened. Until phuwin came calling my name and running to me.

Phuwin: Phi! You alright?

Phuwin: PHI!

Dunk: Huh! Yeah... um... I'm okay, I'm fine!

With that, I left from there and went to the kitchen. Phuwin followed me.

Dunk: "Phuwin, I did something so stupid. How could I be so irresponsible."

Phuwin: "Phi, we all make mistakes, and besides, it wasn't your fault.

Dunk: "Yes, it was. I'm the one at fault I tripped on that rug and spilled coffee all over him. I'm so stupid.

Phuwin: "No, you're not besides he took that the wrong way. You said sorry. You offered to help him and give him another espresso. He saw how sorry you were and purposely continued to act like a jerk."

Phuwin: "Phi, stop thinking about it, na please."

I nodded and gave him a small smile. Phuwin was always there for me. Even at my hardest times, and I'm always thankful to have him by my side.

Phuwin: "Good na! That's my phi."

Phuwin: "Now phi, I have to go pick up fourth from uni so..."

Dunk: Wait

Phuwin: Yes, phi?

Dunk: Can I pick up nong fourth?

Phuwin: "Sure, phi, but don't you want to take care of the café."

Dunk: "I just want to get out and get some fresh air after what just happened."

Phuwin: Sure, phi!

Dunk: Thank you, na! Thank you for always being so understanding!

I gave him a big smile after I said that and he gave me a big smile back.

With that, I left the café to pick up fourth in the car. I wanted to walk and pick him up, but I know fourth will start whining and complaining on the long walk. So I decided to take the car and drove to fourth's uni.

Author's Note:
Hi, I hope you enjoyed Chapter 1! I honestly have no clue where im heading this story 😭 but continue reading to find out. Thank you, and see you guys in the next chapter!❤️

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