CHAPTER 17: Happiness, Reunion & Tears

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Joong's POV:

I entered the café. There was no sight of Dunk at first. Until I saw a figure come out of the kitchen. It took me a while to figure out that it was dunk. He hands looked full. He was serving customers. It looked like it was only him today. As phuwin usually works in the register.
I decided to approach him.

Joong: "Need a hand?" I asked as he was having time holding all those dirty dishes.

Dunk: "What are you doing here?"

Joong: "To see you, of course. Now, let me help." I said, taking the dishes from his hands.

Dunk: "Wait." He stopped me.

I looked at him confused. He rolled his eyes.

Dunk: "Do you even know where those go?"

I shaked my head.

Dunk: "They go in the kitchen. That door leads you there. Just put it in the sink, and I will be there after I take these customers' orders." He said, pointing that direction.

I nodded and headed to the kitchen. As I got in there, I saw the sink and placed the dirty dishes in there.

Joong: "That's a lot of dishes. How does he manage to wash all these?"

Dunk: "Are you talking to yourself?" He said as he chuckled.

Joong: "No! Are you working alone today?" I asked as there was no sight of phuwin.

Dunk: "Yeah, phuwin's looking for a new job."

Joong: "Why? Doesn't he work here?"

Dunk: "Well, yeah, but that's to help me. He actually wants to get a job that showcases his artwork as a student who graduated architecture."

I nodded in response.

Joong: "What about you? What degree did you graduate from?"

I saw Dunk's face turn dull as I said that.

Dunk: "I um... didn't get a chance to finish school. As my mom passed away. I took responsibility for the café and taking care of my brothers. While doing all that, I just didn't have the time to go to school."

Joong: "Oh, I'm sorry. Must have been hard?"

Dunk let out a soft smile and nodded.

Dunk: "Anyways.... what are you doing here?"

Joong: "Well I been calling you for this past week, and you weren't picking up. So I came to check up on you."

Dunk: "Oh..... well, I-i was busy.... so I didn't have the time."

Joong: "Little red, don't you think I can't tell if you're lying. It's obvious. Were you purposely ignoring my calls and texts?"

Dunk didn't say anything. He just stood silent. I could tell I was right from his silence.

Joong: "Was it about the kiss?" I asked, breaking the silence.

Dunk: "It's j-just....."

Joong: "What? Spill it."

Dunk: "Look, I'm sorry, joong. I didn't mean to kiss you." He let out.

I signed.

Joong: "Little red, it's fine were in a fake relationship. These things tend to happen."

Dunk: "I know, but it's just-"

Joong: "What? Do you actually like me?"

Dunk: "Haha, you wish."

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