Memory 8

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~1977 March 10th~ 

   I excitedly ran out with Micheal and Fredrick, one of the new kids we’d befriended, out to recess. Micheal had the soccer ball we were gonna play with, and we ran out to the farthest part of the lot. The main rules of recess were:

-No going passed the orange cones past the parking lot

-No talking to strangers

-No going into any of the buildings across the school parking lot

   Those were the main ones. As we were running, Micheal kicked the ball. Frederick ran to it, and kicked it over to me, who kicked it over to Micheal. I wasn’t really into sports, but playing with Micheal and now Fredrick made it more fun. As we continued to pass the ball, Micheal went to kick it back to us. “Micheal, look out!!!!” Fredrick shouted. It had just dawned on me what was happening. A car was heading straight towards Micheal. Without thinking, I ran towards Micheal, leaped towards him, and we both tumbled to the ground, out of the way of the car. Micheal landed on top of me, and glanced at me, then looked at the passing car. The man visible through the window, snarled at us, and pulled into the parking lot, got out, and walked into a building. We later found out that that building had become a drug store. And later on, most people moved from that school to the other closest Christian school. 

)Memory 8 Finished(

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