Memory 17

11 1 2

~1981 January 14th~


I stayed at the dining room table, staring down at my food. "Elijah, why don't you eat-?" My mom asked, concerned. I glanced up from my food and over at her. "Oh, I'm just not that hungry, mom- Late lunch and all," I answered. That was a lie. I had barely eaten lunch too, and I was the third in the lunch line. Mom sighed, and glanced over at my sister who was eating normally. I felt the back of my head be grabbed, and forcefully moved down to right over my plate of pasta. I was about an inch or a half away from my face being shoved into my food. "Eat, boy. You're so fucking skinny. You need to eat in order to be anything in this world," My dad growled. I kept the plain expression I had had on my face before this even happened. I didn't care at this point, he could threaten me and hurt me all he wanted, and I wouldn't budge. "Bruce!! Stop that, will you?! That's no way to treat your child!!!" Mom yelled, pushing herself out from the table, and attempting to stand up.

But her body failed on her, and she fell back in her chair. Dad's grip on the back of my head faltered a bit, but then he pushed my face into the hot food. "He's 5'1, and is frailer than a man should be. He's a disappointment," He argued, but then let my head go. As soon as he let go, I lifted my head, and started wiping my face off. Dad left, and walked off to his office. "Mommy, why do you stay with daddy when he's mean?" She asked, her innocent voice conveying something, that I myself didn't have the courage to ask my mother myself. "Because dear.." Mom started. "Mommy is sick, and even though daddy is mean, he is still willing to keep you two sheltered..." She mumbled. "But why can't we stay with the Aftons then?" Staci asked. "Because, they have three little ones of their own, and have their own life to deal with..." I looked away, over to the window. "Mommy isn't that sick! Mommy will live long, and stay with us!!" Staci said cheerfully, and got up from the chair, and ran over to mom, and hugged her side.

Mom weakly laughed, and picked Staci up, hugging her a bit. I felt warm tears start to build up in my eyes. "Eli.?" She questioned. I quickly got up, and ran to my room. I closed the door behind myself, and leaned against it. My face still hurt from the burning from the pasta, but I would manage. I walked over to my bed, and curled up on it, hugging my knees. I yawned a bit, feeling my head start to get light headed. I gripped my head with my hands, not wanting to pass out.


A/N: Quick thing- Elijah has DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder). His second personality goes by Elias, and he's the only alter identity while he is alive. Because of how Elias gained control the last couple of times, and how people call him ELijah instead of Elias, and tell him things he does not remember himself, he realized that he is an alter personality, and is not the technical "host" of the body. So Elias pretends to be Elijah, and is pretty good at it, other than acting mostly emotionless. Elijah's DID is trauma triggered, he didn't have it when he was 12 and younger, so Elias has no childhood memories, or any real recollection on his past. Just wanted to clear that up!!



I'm in control again? I glanced down at my hands, and looked at the time just to make sure. I sat up a bit, and glanced around the room. It was his room. I wiped my face, feeling as if it was stiff, and realized he had been crying. I carefully got up, and walked around my room, just to get used to being in control again. Noticing the mirror, I walked over and looked into it. I don't know how long I hadn't had control, but we look older. Well, he looks older-. I looked at our clothes, and it looked like we were still in what he would wear for school clothes. I could feel a headache starting in the back of my head, but decided it was okay for now. I went to change, but I heard Elora/Mother call him from downstairs. "Elijah-.? Are you alright in there, honey..?" Did she cause him to cry? "Yes, mother, I'm okay!" I answered, trying to act like he wasn't just crying. My voice was still shaky though. "Are you sure..? You kind of left without warning.." "Mhm!!!" I put the clothes back on, and glanced towards the window.

It was still light out, but the sun was starting to set. It must've been dinner time. "Alright.. You know you can tell me anything, right...?" "Yes ma'am!" I answered her, looking back towards the door. I heard her footsteps walk away, and I sat back down on the bed. Maybe I should just wait this out till he takes control again.

)Memory 17 Finished(

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