Memory 18

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~1981 February 8th~


   I continued to walk next to Flynn, and stayed close beside him, but not too close, not wanting to be annoying. I didn’t want to annoy my first boyfriend, and we couldn’t seem like boyfriends either. “I’m going to head to class right now, okay-? Remember later today I want to introduce you to my family for dinner, but just as friends for right now,” He said, looking at me. I looked up at him and nodded. “Alright!!” I smiled. He smiled a bit back at me, then headed into his class. “Elijah!!!” Simon ran up to me, and grabbed my arm. I jumped, and looked at him. “Simon-?” “Hi! Micheal, Jordan, and Fredrick asked me to ask you if you could sit with us at lunch??” I glanced away a bit. I still have been sitting with Flynn and his friends at lunch. 

   “Maybe, I’ll think about it,” I answered. Simon frowned a bit. “Why don’t you sit with us anymore-?” “Because, Flynn and his friends are also my friends-” “But Flynn is a jerk.” “Ugh, you too…?” I mumbled. Simon shrugged a bit. “He just is-” “I’ll sit with you guys, if you don’t talk my ear off about how much ‘of a jerk’ Flynn is, alright?” I said, looking at him. Simon smiled and nodded. “Okay!!!”

3 hours later…

   I sat next to Micheal at their table, and Jordan joined us a little later. They started talking about random things, that didn’t include me, but it wasn’t like they were doing it on purpose. I wasn’t very social, or sporty, and so it was hard to start a conversation with me sometimes, and I understood that. I glanced over in the direction of Flynn’s table, and noticed him looking at me. We’d been dating for a month and a half, so it didn’t mean I had to sit with him everyday, right? I mean, he’d been extremely kind to me, so I’m sure he wouldn’t mind.  “Hey, Elijah, how’s that robotics class you’re taking??” I heard Fredrick as. I looked back at the group. “Oh, it’s going good!” I smiled. I finally had something to talk to them about. As I started to ramble on, my leg started to shake, as I noticed that they seemed completely lost in talk of fixing computer chips, and fixing coding problems. 

   I felt Micheal’s hand gently be placed on my knees, which he usually does when he notices my anxiety start to rise. “Nevermind, sorry guys-.” I mumbled. “It’s okay- You seem really invested in it, so it’s nothing to be upset over-” Jordan said, glancing at me. I nodded a bit, and glanced away. It’d be fine, I didn’t care about it that much..

)Memory 18 Finished(

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