Memory 20

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~1981 May 29th~

(WARNING: Majorly sensitive topics!!!)


Stayed in the corner of my room, my knees against my chest. Flynn had started getting meaner. But at the same time he was being sweet.. I hated it.. My arms were bleeding badly, and I had to keep changing the bandages. I was afraid to get blood on my white gloves, because they were the only pair I had, but they covered the bandages. I glanced up at my ceiling fan, and watched as the blades spun. I hugged my knees tightly, but then got up, grabbed my desk chair, and pushed it under the ceiling fan. I grabbed some spare rope I had had from when I had helped with the theater set, and stood on the chair. I turned the fan off, and threw the rope around the connecting point of the fan to the ceiling. I did a simple knot, but didn't put it around my neck yet, but just looked at it. Right as I was about to, my phone rang. I jumped a bit, snapped out of thought, and took it out of my pocket, flipping it open. It was Micheal.

I hesitated, but then answered it. "Hey!! Elijah??" I heard his voice through it. God I loved hearing it. "I'm here," I answered weakly. "I have time tonight, would you like to go hang out?? The park should be empty tonight!" I could hear the smile on his face from the way his voice sounded. I couldn't help but feel a smile appear softly on my face. I stepped down from the chair. "I'd like to hang out tonight." "Alright, see you then!" "Wait-.!" I panicked a bit. "Hm?? What is it-?" "Can we stay on call for a little bit..?" "Sure! Is everything alright?" I glanced down at my arms. "Yeah, everything is fine." I walked over to my bed, and rebandaged my arms better than originally, and then slipped my gloves on. I carefully undid the set up, and moved the chair back to the desk.

I went over to my window, and quietly jumped down onto the porch roof, then down to the ground. "I'm heading to the park now, okay??" I told Micheal. "Alright, I'll see you there!" He hung up after that. As I arrived at the park, Micheal was already there, in his jacket. I'd forgotten mine, but I figured it was alright. I ran up to Micheal, and tightly hugged him, nearly making us both fall into the mulch. "Whoa, whoa- Are you okay??" He asked, hugging me back. It wasn't unusual for us to hug when we were alone. It comforted us both. I looked up at him, and nodded. "Mhm! Why'd you want to hang out here tonight???" Micheal shrugged. "You've seemed off at school lately, so I thought spending time together would help your mood. Is it alright-?" He asked. I smiled a bit, and nodded. "Of course it is."

Micheal smiled back at me, and I playfully pulled his foxy mask down over his face. "You can't even leave the house without the foxy mask to see your best friend?" I laughed a bit. "It looks good- Don't it-?" Micheal asked, putting the mask back to where it was. "It does. But you are the thing that makes it look good," I teased. This didn't count as cheating, right.? "What is that supposed to mean-" Micheal asked, looking at me with a weird confused look on his face. I shrugged, "Whatever you want it to mean-" I smiled up at him. "No- Tell me, Elijah-" I rolled my eyes. "Nooo- I quickly let go of him, and ran around the park. He chased me, and we both started laughing. Micheal could have caught me anytime he wanted, and I would have let him, but I think we both just wanted to enjoy the moment. Act like kids again, who didn't have a care in the world. And I loved him for it.

)Memory 20 Finished(

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