Memory 28

11 1 5

~1981 September 17th~

{A/N: Because I do not want to write the horrific things that took place, because I feel like you guys don’t want to read that for about 10 chapters, and I don’t want to write about it for 10 chapters- I’m just going to summarize it in whole- Flynn kidnapped Elijah for around 10 days, doing anything and everything he wished to do. Elijah/Elias couldn’t attempt to escape, because he felt weakened by the drugs Flynn would give him to keep him easy to handle. On the 11th day, Elias hadn’t eaten the day before, which made him feel a bit weak, but he wasn’t drugged from the food. And that’s where this chapter will start-}


   I hurried down the stairs, and to the front door, scrambling to unlock it as fast as I could. I heard movement upstairs, which I knew wasn’t Flynn’s parents, because they were out of town. Oh how I wished they had come home sooner than expected. I managed to unlock the door, despite my shaking hands, and darted out the house as fast as I could. Nearly stumbling over my own bare feet every couple strides, I managed to make it into town, and into an alleyway. As I leaned against the building wall, I felt the high that was left over from yesterday start to die down. I bent forward, and started throwing up “dinner”. It felt like I was puking up my guts.. Just get home… Just go home.. I pulled my hands into the sleeves of the jacket I stole from Flynn’s dresser, that I wanted to get off the second I was able to put actual clothes on, other than the oversized shirt I had always been forced to wear, and actual pants.

1 hour and 30 minutes later…


   I slowly sat up, in my backyard. Disoriented, confused, but an overwhelming feeling of freedom, I picked myself up off the ground, and went into my house. We always left the backdoor open, until it was night. I heard two sets of feet walk towards the area I was. It sounded like dad and grandma.. I attempted to just go to my room, but my body nearly gave out, leaving me to lean against the wall. “Where the hell were you, young man?!” she yelled at me, my father behind her. “I-.. I was kidnapped… P-Please call someone-one-.” I mumbled, sliding down further against the wall as I felt my legs shake more. She glared at me. “You liar. Where were you actually!?” I felt the anger in me start to rise. “I w-was-as fucking kidnapped.!! Call pl-” I slipped all the way to the ground, and struggling to breathe. My dad practically threw my inhaler at me. I rushed to use it, and once I did, he grabbed me by the arm, and pulled me up the stairs to my room. 

   “You’re going to stay in your room till tomorrow, you little shit. To think you’d go this far to try and get you and your sister taken away. You don’t understand how good you have it!” He threw me into my bedroom, and slammed the door behind himself. I stood there for a moment, holding my inhaler close to my chest like it was the only thing that could protect me. What was I expecting..? I should’ve ran to the Afton house, god damn it…!!! I threw my inhaler away from me, and screamed at my door at the top of my lungs, till I no longer could. I gripped the sides of my head, and dug my nails into my head. I sat down on my bed, and curled up. My eyes darted all over my room, and I noticed the rope in the corner of my room. Wasting no time, I opened the window, and threw it. I felt like my body was being touched all over as I stared down at the rope on the ground. His hands everywhere.. My chest, my hair, my arms, my legs, my thighs, my… my.... I gripped the windowsill, and let the tears fall. 

   My wrists, neck, and ankles were raw from all the times I had fought against the rope, the chains, whatever he wanted to fucking use to keep me in place. I grew dizzy, and sat down on the floor, and pulled my legs up to my chest. I feel so uncomfortable in my body..

)Memory 28 Finished(

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