Memory 24

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~1981 July 4th~


   “Staci, we’re going to be late!!” I yelled, finishing getting my shoes on. “Okay!!! I’m coming!!!!” She yelled back, bounding down the stairs, and hugging my leg. I smiled a bit, and picked her up. I had decided to take Staci with me to celebrate the Fourth of July with Micheal and his family. Father wasn’t going to be home till late, and probably still wouldn’t celebrate it for us. Even though Micheal’s dad is British, they still celebrate it, because their mom was born in America, and so were Evan and Elizabeth. I got Staci’s hat that she said she wanted to wear, and put it on her head, then headed out, and practically ran to Micheal’s house, because we were late. Out of breath a bit, I rang the doorbell, and Micheal opened the door. “Jeez, Elijah- Cutting it pretty close, aren’t we??” Micheal laughed, and teased a bit. I rolled my eyes, “Sorry-”

   Micheal let us in, and I gently put Staci down, who ran off immediately. I smiled, but then Micheal grabbed my hand. “Mother made food, and set up in the backyard- Some of her family is coming over for the party as well, just so you know.” I nodded, and looked at him. “What about your dad-? Is he going to be there, or is he skipping out again this year??” Micheal laughed a bit, and rolled his eyes. “He wanted to skip out, because he hates my mom’s side of the family- But my mom actually managed to get him to come since Uncle Henry is also coming with his family.” “Oh wow- That’s a lot of people..” I mumbled the last part under my breath, but Micheal managed to hear it. “Yeah, well, Charlie and Sammy are sleeping over with Uncle Henry, because he’s heading out of town with my father to get supplies for Ennard’s Pizza World. My mother wanted to have me also ask you if you and Staci were planning on sleeping over as well? Elizabeth wanted to hang out with Staci tomorrow as well as Charlie, since we have nothing planned tomorrow.”

   I thought for a moment. Maybe dad wouldn’t notice me and Staci were gone. And if we were, would he even care-? “Sure, why not-” I replied, smiling, excited. Micheal held my hand a bit tighter, then led me to the backdoor, and out to the backyard. There were decorations hanging from some trees, and tiki lamps around to keep the mosquitos away. The pond had the lights on, as the sun was starting to set, and the food was set up on the tables they had set up. “Mom, Elijah and Staci are here!!” Micheal called out to Mrs. Afton who was taking care of placing napkins, and setting the table with Evan. She looked over at us, and smiled. “I’m glad you could make it Elijah! Micheal, Uncle Marvin should be arriving with Aunt Teresa and their kids, so make sure you finish cleaning the living room like you were told to-” Micheal sighed, and responded, “Fiiiine.” He then led me into the wood line, and behind one of the larger trees. As soon as we were out of sight, he hugged me tightly. I hugged him back, but looked up at him confused. “Look- We can’t hold hands or hug or anything while my aunts and uncles are here-”

   “If we do, they’ll think we’re gay,” Micheal sighed, and hugged me tighter. I continued to look up at him for a moment, and laughed a bit. “It’s like you’re trying to hide us being in a relationship, when we aren’t-” Micheal glanced away. “Yeah, I know- But the one time Uncle Marvin came over, and I had simply grabbed Fredrick by the arm to show him something, he smacked Fredrick, and yelled at me till mom came in and saw what was happening-” I became worried, and glanced from behind the tree, attempting to see if he was there yet, but Micheal pulled me back into the hug. “Just promise me- Alright?” I looked back at him, smiled a bit, and nodded. “Mhm!!”

30 minutes later…

   I rested my head in my hands. Children were running and screaming everywhere, and the Aunts and Uncles were talking to each other. Micheal was sitting next to me bored as well. Even though we were 14 and 15 we weren’t allowed in the adult conversations. Actually, while Mrs. Afton and Mr. Afton were talking about where us teens were going to sit, they had a mini argument. It almost broke out in front of all the guests, but Mr. Emily managed to calm it down. I felt my boot get gently kicked, and I looked over at Micheal, because it had come from his direction. “What-?” I whispered, curious about what he wanted. He smiled at me. “We could sneak into my room, and make out~” He teased, whispering as well. I felt my face turn red, and I looked away. “Micheal- Really- You were just saying about how you don't want your family to think you were gay-” I mumbled. He always made those jokes with me, even though he probably didn’t mean anything by it. Micheal placed his hand on my back gently. “What- I’m not allowed to make jokes like that with my best friend?? You’re no fun-” Micheal laughed, and gently moved his hand back to himself.

   I managed to get my feelings under control, and looked at him, knowing my face was no longer red. Micheal looked back at me, and a warm smile appeared on his face. I kicked my legs under the table, and balled my hands into fists. Mr. Afton came out of the house, glancing at us when he walked past. When I noticed, I quickly looked down at the table embarrassed. Oh god, what if he thinks we like each other-.. Do we-? Would he be wrong?? I mean, no-.. Wait what yes-!! What?! Micheal got up from the table, and tapped me. “Dad just came out with the fireworks- C’mon!!” He told me, going over to everyone else. I noticed, and quickly got up, following him. Mr. Afton set the fireworks down, and Micheal and I stood beside him. “Let me guess, you want to do the first firework-?” Mr. Afton asked him. Micheal looked up at him, and smiled. “Yeah!!” Mr.Afton then looked over at me. “And what about you?” I glanced down at the fireworks. “I’m just here to watch, but I wouldn’t mind doing one-”

   And with that, he handed both me and Micheal our own fireworks. “Um- William- Do you think that’s a good idea-?” Mr. Emily asked, watching us. Mr. Afton shrugged. “You two, stay away from the woodline, and from the house and people- Don’t catch anything on fire, and I’ll let you both have a second one to do,” He said a bit sternly. Micheal immediately ran off to an open part of the yard, taking the lighter with him. Not knowing if I should follow or not, I just followed him quickly. Micheal waited for me to get next to him, then looked at me, with an excited smile. “Ready??” He asked me. I smiled back and nodded. He looked back at his firework, and lighted the string under both mine and his simultaneously, so that they’d start together. He then made me drop my quickly, as well as dropping his, and grabbed me, running away from the area. I looked back at the fireworks as we ran, and watched as they both flew into the sky.

   Micheal managed to look back as well, and right as he did, the fireworks blew up in the sky. Mine turned out to be multiple different colors, and Micheal’s was red and purple. Micheal and I continued to hold each other's hands as we watched, forgetting to let go after sprinting away from the fireworks, but then Micheal must’ve remembered, because he squeezed my hand a bit tighter as the fireworks finished.

)Memory 24 Finished(

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