Memory 21

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~1981 June 8th~

   I stayed close to Micheal as we exited the school, because summer break had started. Flynn had asked multiple times for me to come over, but I didn’t want to. I decided that staying close to Micheal was my bet. Maybe Flynn and I just needed time apart to settle everything-. “Do you want to go to my house??” He asked. I continued to hold onto his arm, and glanced up at him. “Oh- yeah-!” Micheal smiled, and started leading me to his house. I followed him, keeping hold of his arm. As we got to his house, the door was ajar, and the smell of apple pie filled the air. I smiled a bit, knowing it was his mom’s cooking. Micheal led me into the house, and closed the door behind us. 

   Elizabeth ran up to me, and hugged my leg. “Elijah!!!” I gently picked her up, and glanced over at Micheal. “I can’t stay long, because I need to pick up my little sister from elementary school-” Micheal nodded, understanding, but then smiled. “You have time to play videogames and eat pie, though, right?” I laughed a bit, and nodded.

2 hours later…

   I waited outside the elementary, when I noticed a group of kids start walking towards the school. They seemed like highschool kids, but then I realized. Suddenly, the elementary school bell rang, and all the kids rushed out. I quickly started looking for Staci, wanting to get out of here as soon as possible. Once I found her, I quickly, but gently picked her up. She jumped, obviously a bit startled, but looked at me and smiled. “Elijah!!!” She said excitedly, hugging me tightly. I smiled a bit, but then I felt a hand on my shoulder. “Hey, Eli. Thought I’d find you here,” I heard Flynn say. I felt my body stiffen, but I forced myself to look back at him and smile. He was with his friends, who were picking up their little siblings as well. Well, at least Kan was. “How about I escort you to your house, and then we head to mine, okay?? Talk about summer plans and all,” Flynn offered. I laughed a bit, and shook my head no, trying to play my nervousness off.

   I felt his hand grip tighten on my shoulder. “No, I insist.” He said, more threatening now. I held my sister closer to myself, and he must’ve noticed, because he turned his attention to her. He plastered a warm smile on his face, and crouched a bit to be face to face with her as she was in my arms. “Hey there, little one. We’re going to get you home, and then your big brother is going to visit with me for a bit, okay?” Staci looked at him, and just nodded a little bit. Once the mob of little elementary school kids passed, we started heading towards my house. I didn’t like the fact that Flynn was leading his friend group towards my house, but then Kan broke off from us with his little brother to go to his own house, and then Karl also broke off from us when his mom called him to get some groceries.

   So now it really was just us two, and my sister. It’ll be okay. I’ll be fine. Everything will go smoothly, I will be fine, fine, fine..

   As we approached my house, I went up my porch and rang the doorbell. My dad opened the door, and looked at me, then glanced down at my sister. My sister looked up at him. “I’m just going to drop her off, mom should be home from work soon right..?” I managed to say normally, although fear was running through my body. “Yeah, she should be. And where are you going, exactly?” He asked, taking my sister from me. I fidgeted with my shirt a bit. “I’m, um..” “He’s coming with me, sir,” Flynn said, walking up the porch, and standing next to me. I glanced at him. “And who might you be?” Dad practically snarled. “I’m Flynn Davis. Your son and I wanted to hang out and play some soccer at my house.” My dad’s facial expression was a bit surprised. He knew I wasn’t into sports at all. “Really?” Flynn nodded, and smiled, putting his hand on my shoulder again. “He’s found a new interest in sports, sir.” “Fine, then. Be back home before nightfall, you know how your mother gets when you aren't home before then,” Dad said, before slamming the door, and leaving me to the hands of Flynn.

   Flynn gently grabbed my hand, and led me towards his house. As we walked further from my house, and closer to his, though, his grip on my hand started to tighten. We walked into his house, or more like a mansion, and up to his room. His mother was cooking dinner, which was unusual for his mom, because they hired a cook normally. His parents were almost always at work. He closed the door behind us, and pushed me down onto the bed. I fought him a bit, but then he kissed me roughly. I was somewhat okay with it, I just needed to catch my breath. After a minute, he broke the kiss, and smiled at me. “You’re beautiful, y'know. It would be a shame to harm such a pretty face,” He complimented, as he rubbed his thumb gently over my cheek. I looked at him a bit confused, but also disturbed. “W-What-?” He leaned closer to me, with a slight smile on his face. “That’s why this is your fault,” He whispered to me in my ear. Suddenly, his hand moved quickly, grabbing something, then bringing his hand quickly towards my face with an object.

   I screamed as the object hit my left eye extremely hard, and I squirmed. He got off me, letting me scream in pain. No one could hear me, because of his room being soundproof. I covered my eye with my hand and scrambled to the farthest end of his bed, away from him. He had one of his wrestling trophies in his hand, which was dripping with my blood. He’d hit me with the bottom of it, which was solid granite. I let it drop to the ground, and slowly crawled onto the bed towards me. “Shhh.. Sh… You’ll be okay, everything is going to be alright..” he said, neglecting my whimpers and cries of pain. I attempted to pull away from him, but he managed to pull me against himself, and forced me to rest my head on his chest. “You’re going to be okay, my dear.. I’m so sorry that that happened… How about we go, and clean it up for you, alright?” I continued to shake, and didn’t verbally respond to him. He got up, and went into his bathroom, then came back with some medical things. He walked back over to the bed, forced me to look at him, but then started dabbing the injury around my eye. It burned, it seriously burned. The rag he was using smelled of lemons, salt, and also medical products. “Stop, stop!!!” I tried to pull my face away, but he held my chin in a firm grasp. “Honey, don’t be dramatic, you’re going to be okay, let me take care of you.”

   After what felt like forever, he re-bandaged my arms, which he insisted on doing too, and also bandaged over my eye where he had hit. I was now laying limply in his hold, as he ran his hands through my hair. My head against his chest, and everything hurting, I felt myself slowly lose consciousness.. 

)Memory 21 Finished(

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