Memory 23

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~1981 June 13th~


   I stayed sitting beside Elijah’s mother’s hospital bed, holding her hand gently. She was asleep right now, but she was stable. Or at least that’s what the nurses said. I continued to read my book a bit, but it wasn’t much use in distracting me from my thoughts. Bruce was out with Staci, and wouldn’t let me keep her by my side, even though she wanted to stay too. Elijah also has a very bad new scar, which is very visible if you move the hair, and medical bandage. Possibly, Bruce gave it to him, but Bruce tends not to do injuries that are visible. Like cigarette burns in the torso area, hitting in the back of the head, legs, or torso/shoulder area. Things like that. Causing Elijah to go blind in one eye didn’t seem like him. Especially with him wanting Elijah to be a “top performing boy”.

   I set the book down on the table next to the seat, and held Elijah’s mother’s hand a bit tighter. I stared down at the ground, not really wanting to look at her. I hated how I could tell almost exactly how long I hadn’t been in control by her state. Her hair was shorter than before, and she laid in bed weakly, as she was thin and frail. “Elijah..?” I heard a faint voice call out a bit, from atop the bed. I froze for a moment, then carefully got up, and looked at her. She looked at me, and smiled. “Yes, mother?” I asked, continuing to hold her hand. She studied my face for a moment, then put her hand on my cheek, right under the eye injury. I let her gently lift the hair over the eye, and she looked at the medical eyepatch covering the eye. Her smile faded a bit, and she gave a confused, worried look, but it washed away with an understanding, and heartfelt look.

   “You’re strong, sweetie.. You know that right…? Ignore what your father says, he doesn’t know you at all.. He doesn’t know you and your sister at all…” I held her hand a bit tighter. She technically didn’t know me that well either.. I didn’t respond, and glanced away a bit. “Elijah.. I know you’re not you right now… But you’re my son either way, and I love you as much as I love Elijah.. I have a favor to ask of you…” I froze, looking at her. She knew..? “I-.. What is it…?” I mumbled, feeling like it was wrong to admit she was right about me not being Elijah. “When I’m passed, and gone, you’ll take care of your sister for me, alright.? And to visit me before I pass..” She smiled softly. I felt my face start to heat up from this new feeling. My vision became blurry in my right eye. “Do you have to go.-?” I questioned, my voice giving out and cracking. 

   “Honey, I think we both understand the fact that I can’t stay as long as we both wished I would…” She said sadly, but kept her smile on her face. I felt the warm tears fall down my face, and knelt down beside the bed. I kept her hand close to my chest, and held it tighter, but not too tight. She looked at me with the same soft smile, but with her own tears running down her face. I choked down cries, failing miserably, but still trying. “D-Dear..?” My mother started, rubbing the back on my hand with her thumb gently. I nodded, unable to verbally respond, not trusting my voice to convey the words I wanted. “Could I know your name…? Know my second son..?” She whispered it, so only I could hear. I hesitated, again feeling like this was wrong. This was Elijah’s life, not mine. Why should I introduce or make my presence known in it?

   “Elias…” I mumbled, choking more sobs. My mother smiled warmly at me, and gently lifted her hand up to my cheek, and placed it there gently. “I’m glad I am able to notice you, Elias.. I love you..”

)Memory 23 Finished(

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