Memory 10

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~1977 November 19th~

   I was sitting with Micheal and Fredrick, talking to them about the homework from math. Honestly, I don’t understand why we can’t do it our way, because we’d still get the same answer. “It’s probably just better if you do it this way is all-” Micheal said, resting his head down on the desk, tired. Frederick was leaning back in his chair dangerously. “Nono, I understand Elijah’s point-” Micheal and Fredrick started talking to each other about it a bit, and I just looked down at the paper. I didn’t think the math teacher liked me at all. To help myself actually do the work in class, I’d draw little stick figures doing cool things, one time. It wasn’t like they were in the way of my answers, and even though the paper was graded on completion, little stick figures wouldn’t hurt anyone.

   But, nonetheless, when she saw my paper, she ripped it in front of me, and then collected everyone else’s. She was the fourth grade homeroom teacher, which meant I had to deal with her in the near future. I can’t remember what Mrs. Patrick, our homeroom teacher, was saying. I wasn’t paying attention. We were just waiting to go to lunch at this point. “Elijah Loveguard,” I heard her say sternly. I immediately looked up from my math homework. She looked at me, sternly as well. She was usually a nice teacher, one of the nicest I had ever had, only second to Mrs. Emily. “I got a call from Mrs. Afton, asking me for details about Micheal’s accident in the playground. I am very upset that you would gossip, even right after yesterday’s lesson!! You should know better,” She glared at me a bit. The class went silent, and they all looked at me. I felt my chest get tight.

   I hated the attention that was on me. I couldn’t stand it. I put my hood over my head, and hid my face, starting to cry. Mrs. Patrick just continued talking with the class. Micheal looked over at me, and put his hand on my shoulder. 

   When I got home, I told my mother about what happened. She comforted me by saying that I was not gossiping, I was worried about a friend, and I had all rights to tell my own mother about the day. 

)Memory 10 Finished(

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