Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

The afternoon shoot was just over. It was dinner time before filming the night scene. And it came into my sight on my way to eat. A Coffee truck. I've seen it once on the set before. The fans of the actors in the drama saved up money and sent it to cheer them on. These days, fans tend to cheer a lot, especially the male protagonist's fans sent not only rice tea but also colourful lunch boxes and samgyetang.

T/N: samgyetang is a chicken soup dish with ginseng and other ingredients.

In addition to the male protagonist, most of the supporting actors who are popular received gifts and tributes.

It may be burdensome, but is pride more important?

Popular actors were seen comparing and being conscious of each other's gifts. Jay received something like this, but I also heard himself complaining to the manager, saying that I only received this. Then manager Choi called the fan club president.

Isn't it time for a gift?

It was the two male and female protagonists who competed like this. When a man and a woman film a drama together, the main characters of this drama are conscious of each other as competitors and turn their backs on each other as soon as the filming is over. Of course, we don't have any private conversations. It wasn't like that at first, but after several arguments in the middle of filming, the relationship became so bad. It's not that I don't understand. On one side, they shouted "cut" every time, saying he couldn't get the emotion. The other side is a person who doesn't shoot until as much lighting and reflective plates as they want are poured out. What's funny is that an article on the scandal between the two appeared a few weeks ago.

The drama became more of a hot topic due to the scandal between the two. According to the manager, scandals are used as part of the drama promotion. Of course, the two actors do it with consent. Because at that time, the two were offered to appear in a commercial together. This is because interest has increased due to the scandal and the unit price of commercials has increased. Although this is a place to make fake stories. There was also a fake in reality. However, the situation in front of me has never felt as fake as it is now. My name was on the placard of the coffee truck.

"It's Taemin hyung. Do you want a cup of warm coffee?"

In my drama, I said, "Do you want me to feed you a bullet in your mouth?" It was a parody of 'A'. The placard even printed my face.

What is that?

It was incredible and i stood for a while. I don't have an official fan cafe. It has also become a small topic on the Internet because no one can become a member of the official fan cafe due to the ridiculous ranking problems.

T/N: Culprit Jay ☠️

According to the manager, there are sporadic fan meetings. There are at most hundreds of people and they are not enthusiastic enough to hold these events. And if I want to hold an event like that, I have to contact my manager in advance to check my schedule, so of course the manager knew... Oh man. I quickly found the manager and turned my head.

Shouldn't you have told me that in advance?

I couldn't say anything to the manager. Not long away, the manager and Hansoo were surprised and stood with their mouths open. At least the two of them didn't know.

"What? Omg? What's that?"

"Hey, are your fans here? Who is it? When did you meet the fans?"

It was a question I wanted to ask. I don't know either. When they answered, their eyes grew bigger.

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