Chapter 2

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Chapter 2
You can't escape me

I worked every day for years before I became an actor. I moved from dawn to late at night. That way, I could fall asleep without thinking because I was tired. I did things at random for the purpose of paying back the money. Later, the exhaustion weighing on my body was crucial. I felt relieved that I was being punished properly. I thought I should live like this all my life. However, the future is unpredictable. I met the bad relationship of the past, took revenge, and I am an actor who I never thought of. My situation is much better than before. There's something I want to do. There are people who like me, too. Now I know happiness that I didn't feel before. 🥺🎉

But why can't I still fall asleep?

I came back home after more than 10 hours of filming. But it took me a long time to fall asleep. My body was tired even my eyelids were heavy, but my mind remained awake in a daze. Then I think I barely fell asleep. I think I had a dream after a long time. I was back to doing whatever came to my mind.

Being at the construction site and carrying luggages. Dust spread like fog. I stood still because I couldn't see ahead. It was heavy enough to shake my legs, but it was not difficult to hold out. There's no lie either. I was not nervous when I returned to a dark past where nothing interesting happened. It was rather comfortable. This was like where I was supposed to be.

But where am I right now?

Confused, my feet began to collapse. It felt as if my screams wouldn't come out of my mouth. It was then that i felt strange. I suddenly woke up from the dream and opened my eyes, i caught my breath, before I came to my senses. There was something that came into view. Someone was looking down at me in the dark. 🤸🤸🤸🎊


I got goosebumps by the shape of the unknown figure and jumped up to my upper body. My head that did not wake up recognised the person in front of me as an intruder. What the...


I was about to step back, but I stopped. Only then did I look at the person's face, my eyes felt a familiar presence within the darkness. It was a face I knew well. And this was a familiar situation. I said a word in relief.

"What the heck?!"

The man tilted his head to the side. Like his question.

"Did you wake up just now?"

I can guess the madman's face even in the dark.🥰

"Didn't i tell you? Don't look at me like that."

I swept my hair back.

This is already the third time. When I open my eyes with a strange feeling while sleeping, this madman is looking down at me. At first, I was so surprised that it felt like my liver was really going to fall. It's my third time, so I'm sure I'll get used to it.

The creepy goosebumps still remain behind my neck.

"I told you. Don't sleep here." 🥰

He copied my way of speaking. I got up from the sofa and swept my hair back again.

"I fell asleep while reading the script."

I moved my eyes towards the table with the script on it. I read it hundreds of times, but I still couldn't sleep, so I read it again.

"When did you come?, weren't you arriving in Korea tomorrow?"

Checking the time it was already 2 a.m.

So It's past 12 o'clock, I knew he would only arrive this afternoon. Dorky went on a business trip to the United States a week ago.

T/N: Dorky is now one of Jays new nicknames ? 😭☠️

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