Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

I heard that I had to stay in a new dorm. There was no complaints, Rather, I felt more comfortable coming out of Yoon Jay's house. Its not that i didn't feel uncomfortable because the house was his house. It was actually quite Wide and Comfortable. The problem was that it was a comfortable space. But it didn't matter to me if I went back to the Gosiwon. Was it because of this wind? Although it wasn't a poor environment like the Gosiwon, the accommodation had been decided in a more uncomfortable place.

"I didn't think people would stay here, so I cleaned it up in a hurry..."

The wife of President Alice, who had seen me at the company's founding ceremony, asked with a sorry face.

"Are you sure you'really okay? It's too narrow and cold. I use to use this place as a storage..."

I was embarrassed at first because I didn't think that the place I would live would be the attic of the boss's house. But she seemed to be more flustered than I was.

"He has a large house, so I don't understand why he wants you to sleep here. I'm sorry. I've told him several times that you shouldn't be sleep here, but he insisted that you should be here. "

"It's really okay."

I was serious. Compared to the Gosiwon I used to live in, it was like a grand hall because it had a toilet and the room was quite large. Perhaps because of me, she cleaned in a hurry and only put the furniture and the mattress of the bed out, but the plastic was still there. I saw a filled bookshelf on one side of the wall as she cleaned it up in a hurry. The bookshelf seemed to have been left intact. Most of the books were martial arts in fight cartoons read by men. When she saw my gaze, she said.

"Since I'm learning, I didn't clean up the books because he told me to just leave it because it might help. If there's anything you want to see, feel free to read it."

"Is it the boss's books?"

"No, it's my books."

"....Alright. "

"Right. I can't have the smell of cigarettes in my books, so no smoking here."


"When looking at the books wrapped in plastic, wear the gloves in your drawer. "


"You can read any book. But cheating is prohibited."

"According to my husband, women can only be brought over 98 years of age, and men can never be brought regardless of age."

"All right."

She told me a few more precautions and stared at me, and somehow I knew what she was going to say, so I beat her first.

"I won't cheat on him." 😌

"If you don't want to die from a stabbing to the stomach, that's only natural."

She accepted the response with a smile. While I couldn't smile at all, she hesitated as if she had something more to say.

"Anything you want to say?"

"My Husband really likes Jay."

The world knows everything, but I nodded because I thought there would be a reason to let them know again.

"There are times when I think he'll save Jay if he's out of water."

T/N: Like a metaphor if he's in a troublesome situation

"No way."

"Well, it doesn't matter because I'll bury my husband in cement if he actually does that." ☠️👌

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