Chapter 25

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Chapter 25
Come up

In the name of boxing class, the shooting took place at a boxing arena I knew, where I was beaten. It was a place where I had a part-time job before. When I appeared on a TV show, I was able to promote it, so the director readily gave me permission. The important thing was the person I would teach rather than the location, and the PD hired one person within a few days. She was a woman in her late 20s with a graceful impression and had a very soft voice. It turned out that she was an announcer for a certain religious broadcast, and now she is the radio DJ for that station.


She looked at me and greeted me a little nervously. Hello. I nodded my head and reached out to shake hands, but she flinched and reached out. I felt that her hand had stiffened.  But her face was smiling, so much that you wouldn't know it unless you looked closely. I heard from the writer in advance about the setting of teaching the announcer self-defence, I heard from the writer in advance about the setting of teaching the announcer self-defence, and I received the script. When i met her, it seemed that teaching her self-defense wasn't enough.  The PD seemed to have brought a real victim.   Why did you work hard this time for what you normally do roughly? I said hello at the beginning and when I finished filming teaching boxing moves, the PD called me separately.

"You're going to practice, right? I'm sure you've heard it already. Never. You should never hit her."

"I don't hit women. And I heard that she was a victim. I'll be careful."

"It's not enough to be careful. You can't even touch her. Don't even raise your hand."

T/N: Chill man the only thing he'd touch would be Jays co- ute junior...

The PD was unusually passionate throughout the filming and even made strange requests.

"And don't even look at your opponent with the same eyes you have now."

"...what are my eyes like right now?"

"It's scary."

Maybe it's really changed terribly. Did I ever see such an idiot?

"She might be more scared. So please be careful."

As if he was really scared, he left only these words and disappeared as if running away. Unlike usual, I'm very careful about today's filming. As I looked at him and thought, my eyes turned to the announcer. Even without the advice of the PD, I was determined to be careful with that woman. When I was teaching simple boxing moves, even though I was far enough away from her, my face became noticeably hard when I threw out my fist. My jaw was tense as if I was forcing myself to clench my teeth because there was a camera. But, will we be able to finish this filming properly?

"What are you thinking about?"

The culprit who did all of this came and asked.

"Thinking about shooting. Thanks to you, the PD brought a real victim, so I don't know what to do. Ah. I know one. If I follow this script, that woman will pass out."

In the script, there was a part where I practiced in the ring.

"Then make sure you don't faint."

"What should I do about a person who can't move just by looking at my fist?"

"Make your fists invisible."

I thought he was playing with words. Shall I put this guy in the ring and beat him up? As I was thinking about it, it suddenly occurred to me. I can do it like Torai said. In the ring, I just had to stand still and do nothing. In the first place, it was unreasonable to teach boxing to someone who couldn't even move because she was stiff in front of a man. So, before that, I had to teach her how to move in front of a man. As soon as I realised this thing, I held the information in my ear as if Torai was giving me a prize.

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