Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

Everyone in the crowd is a good person. Wherever people gather, there is a ranking. Toppers on top. 1st place also appears at the top. He realised that he was never at the top in a university where only talented people gather. He did pretty well. He was well abandoned among white people with different physical strengths and backgrounds. As an Asian, he thought it was a good thing if he could get into the top ranks even through his studies. Then, implicitly, he drew a line that he could not be number one because he was Asian. So, he was shocked to see him. Even physically, he is not weak. The family is also wealthy.

He overwhelms the crowd with one strong eye full of confidence. People did not see him as an Asian. How could such a monster exist? That guy's perfect appearance is fake. There will be flaws. He made up his mind and tried to ignore him. Being conscious of him made him feel like he was acknowledging his pathetic self. But two years later, when he happened to attend class with him, he realised that the conclusion he had buried was wrong. There was no flaw.

He is perfect. He is like steel, united with confidence and ability. He had no flaws. Although his parents divorced, it did not change that he was the son of a wealthy and prestigious family. He grew up enjoying that wealth. It was also a huge wealth. He was born with the money that Jeong Eui Cheol would have to spend his whole life to earn. A good man will always be ahead. It didn't really mean money. In everything he will be on top. The future seemed already set. Jeong Eui Cheol could not understand why he felt such a sense of defeat in advance when he saw someone. But this was funny. Fortunately, he knew how to control himself. he also knew that this thought was useless. But sometimes, when he couldn't stop jealousy and envy, he would imagine, what if he hadn't been born into a wealthy family? If he had one small weakness, would he be able to fall like a dam? he did several simulations in head. However, information was lacking. Is he stupid enough to do pathetic things for a long time?

It was at a hospital he stopped by for his essay research that he became interested in him again. At one of the world's leading cancer hospitals, there was a nurse that Jeong Eui-cheol knew. He went around the hospital together and explained what was needed. Then He saw him, Mr.perfect. It was a two-story lobby. He didn't know why He came to the hospital, but He was sitting on the sofa studying by himself to see whom he was waiting for a long time. It wasn't too strange. There was an exam soon. Everyone lives in the library even on weekends around this time.

He was thinking about pretending to know, but that person doesn't even know him. He was just going to pass by. But his face caught his eye. He looked tired, not moving, his gaze fixed in the air. He was tired of being in the hospital. Jung Eui-cheol looked at him for a long time then.  When the doctor came over and said something to him, he could see why his expression was concerned. He didn't know what the doctor was saying, but his expression didn't change. He was still tired of it. As if what happened here had nothing to do with him.

In Jeong Eui-cheol's eyes, now he was like an emotionless tool. No weaknesses. He realised that he didn't lose to anyone, but him. He was just a sharp-edged sword. Not human. He didn't know why he got this feeling. But what was certain was that he was going to notice his true form. Looking at him, he smiled mischievously. He suddenly felt a strange relief. That day, he walked around excitedly enough to ask if the guide was doing anything good. A few days later. He was chatting with Korean students in front of the library, and a story about him came up by chance. A girl was the first to speak.

"Did you hear? Yoon Jay's mother is very sick."

"Mother? Isn't she the only family member of his?"

Another student asked. Someone who knew about Yoon Jay nodded.

"That's right. It's only his mother. I heard that he doesn't contact his biological father. He only took family photos with his mother. But is his mother sick? Is it serious?"

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