Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

I've been a hot topic for a few days. Of course, Chae Do Sang became more famous. Because of this live broadcast, the bulletin board of the cable station was paralysed. A live broadcast at the level of a broadcast accident quickly spread over the Internet. People have come to capture and analyse each and every facial expression of me and Chae Do Sang on the show. Although everyone had different opinions. In conclusion, Chae Do Sang pulled out my answer after number 4 in advance. I knew he would do that.

The irony is that after the live broadcast, the advertisement for a big movie from K agency starring Chae Do-sang came out immediately. The movie was also a hot topic for a while. The movie starring Chae Do-sang enjoyed the publicity effect that came and went, but the image of the movie that did not do well had already deteriorated. So far, Hansoo told me everything. Even if I didn't want to hear it, I was forced to know the situation because of the guy who kept telling me. Chae Do-Sang's side published an article that the rumours were not true, and came out with a strong policy of suing those who spread false rumours. Thanks to this, it seemed to have subsided after a few days, but Shin PD revived the fire again with an interview. There is still a more amazing twist in the last episode, so look forward to it.

What kind of twist? Did you know that Chae Do Sang was an alien? He may be preparing for the month, but there had been no filming since the live broadcast. The PD who got dumped three times said directly to me. The last episode was all edited. There will be no reinforcement filming. Whatever it was, it was certain. The ratings for the last episode to be aired this week will come out as expected of the broadcasting station. It's going to hit the so-called jackpot on this floor. But it doesn't matter to me.

As soon as the live broadcast ended, I got into the car and headed for Gangwon-do. We arrived at the guesthouse deep in the mountains at dawn. Waiting there was the director of an independent film I had shot before. The film, which was shot with all of his fortune, was interrupted in the middle due to the director's circumstances. But now suddenly, it is said that he was hired for free, and the necessary equipment and staff coincidentally coincided with the right time. All that's left is the actor. That's why I came here on the highway at dawn. I closed my eyes for only two hours and started filming in the morning. A few days went by crazily. Except for the text messages, which was filled with 300 text boxes because of Hansoo, I forgot about Chae Do Sang. I couldn't recall. The director wanted a character who becomes a child with the fear and fear of being alone. So, I'm in distress on the mountain. I pretend to be strong. Every day I was busy rolling over the leaves and crying in vain to play a cowardly person. Hansoo? It was when I came to Seoul that I read the uncountable messages properly.

[Hyung. Are you dead?! The company is in turmoil now! It's not like you didn't see any of these great spectacles, right?!]

The last text came an hour ago. What a good sight to see. Putting him in the middle of the Dream Lobby would make for a much better spectacle. But now was not the time. After driving for several hours, I was tired. Driving is the responsibility of the road manager. On the first day of filming, Director Park personally came to the filming set and took Torai. At first glance, I heard that he was looking for someone, but he said that if he didn't go in person, he wouldn't be okay. Other than that, whether things related to the United States had worked out well, Director Park pretended to know me with a smile on his face, but didn't even make eye contact after the boss opened the magic notebook.

Torai left right away, so I didn't hear anything from him. Since when did you know Han Ri-Yeon's secret? Did you deliberately plan to blow this up during a live broadcast? Is this all your script? Maybe it's fortunate that I didn't ask because I didn't have Torai. My suspicions deepened to the point where I wondered if he had planned all the conspiracy theories around the world. Maybe it's just a coincidence. It may just have turned out to be in his favour. Just...Damn it. I don't know if he's too smart.

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