Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

The most painful thing for most rookies or unknown actors was that there was no work itself. Most of the supporting actors I've met have cited this as a difficult point. I auditioned hundreds of times. I even participated in the test. Even if I meet the director, I don't have anything to do as an actor for years. No. I don't even have a chance to audition. In that case, it is said that i should just give up this job.

In order to stay in this type of field without giving up, I had to do something other than acting, which is also a difficult point. What I want to do is acting, but I'm not happy to hear I have to do something else. But I don't think it's hard. As I said, it is because I expect that I will be able to act again if I reach this floor somehow. Fortunately, I was able to audition twice in the past week. One was the supporting role in a movie starring Yoo Kang-soo, called the national actor. It is said that there was a line of people who wanted to appear because it was an expected film that had a lot of production costs. The role that came to me was short, but the lines and situations were noticeable. I practiced a few pre-given scripts for three days to the extent that the script's writing was erased. Shows that preparing in front of a person in charge of the casting only takes 1-2 minutes or so, That's enough, I came back after hearing a word, and there was no contact afterwards.

The second audition had a short practice period. He was a supporting actor in a special drama by a local broadcasting station he heard for the first time, but he appeared more frequently than in movies. After practicing for about two days, I drove for four hours overnight and went down to the provinces, but I only heard that the cast was decided. The PD in charge didn't even see my face. These things were common, so there was nothing to offended about. However, it was regrettable that the other three  moved together because of me. Of course, guilt soon turned into irritation. The Boss. Manager. In addition, it took us seven hours to get here thanks to stopping by all the rest areas, eating all kinds of food, sightseeing, and visiting nearby tourist attractions. I even doubted that these people went out on purpose under the pretext of my audition. I will do that, too. I dropped him off at the broadcasting station, and the boss and manager went to a tourist destination and showed up with local specialties full of both hands. I'm glad they're enjoying my manager, but the problem is that I can't. That's what happened this time, too.

"I got something fun."

The "fun" of a Madman cannot be fun. And I heard it wasn't about acting either. At this time, I had to be firmly determined. I expected it to be hard. There was a lack of determination. I was conceited, saying, "It's okay because I've done so many hard things." I thought there was nothing to be embarrassed about because I went through all the hardships not only physically but also mentally. But it was my illusion. What happened in front of me was a difficult task that could not be compared to anything I had ever experienced. Ten five-year-old children sat down and looked up at me and asked with their eyes. What are you going to make us laugh with? ☠️

T/N: taemin:🧍Us "children" (readers): 🦧🦧🦧🦧🦧🦧🦧🦧🦧🦧🦧🦧


"The children are going to eat snacks in two hours, so if we can, let's end it. "

A female producer in her 40s gave me a cue sheet and explained. There are only five people filming. I don't know the title. It is said to be a program on a children's cable channel that produces outsourced products. It was a program that showed celebrities going to kindergarten and living with children. You'll know when you see me come. He said it was a program that no one watched. Well, this is not important. The problem was that I didn't know what to do by looking at the simple cue sheet because I knew about this on the day of filming. Simply put, 'the first celebrity shows his or her talent. There were ones that ended in one line like. "What do you want me to show you when I don't have any talents?" I can't teach kindergarten kids how to sort out delivery boxes, right?🤡

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