Tears are Liquid Disgrace

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Jadens p.o.v.

We walked down the stairs that lead to the lower club. As we entered all male eyes turned to me and I paused before starting forward again. I don't like all these stares, it's unsettling since I usually play the roles from behind the shadows. I guess Drake noticed my unease because he leaned down till I could feel his breath fan over my ear. "Don't be shy they only want to see your sexy self in that stunning little outfit." He whispered huskily, referring to my waiter's uniform, a blush to come to my cheeks as I look away from him. Why did he have to say that and why in that way! I don't understand. There's nothing special about my body, I'm average looking. What the hell about me looks sexy?

My uniform didn't leave much to the imagination though.

Drake chuckled as we walk to a booth in the middle of some tables in front of a large stage. As we sat down I could practically feel the large men without a partner shuffle in our direction and I kept a blank face. I heard soft whispering and a hiss but both were so soft I could have imagined them. Looking over at Drake he seemed upset, brows furrowed and a frown on his face. Before I could even wonder what got him upset there was movement on the stage.

A young looking man was lead out with a blindfold over his eyes by a larger man who stopped him in the middle of the stage. The small one was completely naked and my eyes roamed his body while my mind told me to look away. I couldn't though. I watched as he sank to his knees and placed his head on a plush pillow after the bigger man whispered something in his ear. His butt was up in the air while his arms were clasped behind his back. This was odd and confusing.

A warm hand touched my thigh and I flinched with a gasp not having noticed Drake coming so close. When I looked over though he didn't make eye contact with me, he simply stared at the two on stage. I pushed his hand off my leg only for him to place it back where it was before. Pushing it off again I glanced up to see him slightly glaring at my hand, daring it to push his hand away again. Gulping I let his hand be on my thigh. I mean it's not like he's doing anything and I don't want to get fired before I've accomplished what I came here to do.

I peered around looking for a waiter but found none. Odd. How was I supposed to learn to be a waiter if there are none to observe? "They don't come out while there's a show going on." Drake whispered in my ear while licking right under it causing me to close my eyes and gasp. How does he keep doing that! Why don't I see him coming toward me but I can see when everyone else tries? Blushing I softly pushed his chest with my hands and he did move back but with a huge smirk on his face. He makes me feel things I don't even know how to explain.

"Oh o-ok. Please stay at a distance." I managed without stuttering too much. God what's wrong with me! This isn't how I act. Why can't I just be cold and calculating all the time so I don't have to be so embarrassed right now. I tried to focus on the things going on, on stage. My eyes snapped to the paddle in the larger man's hand as it swooped down and smacked his partner's butt and I immediately stiffened. This was too much, it was too close to the things done in the basement. My body was rigid as I looked at the floor at my feet instead. Wood to skin, the smack echoed. A flash of rusted chains ran across my vision an my hand trembled with the memories the simple image brought forth. I was stuck in my place until the hand on my thigh gave a light squeeze.

I bolted right then making a beeline for the bathroom I saw earlier, trying to escape if only for a minute to compose myself. Halfway there Drake rushed past and stood in my way. Not wanting to think or talk with him because he confuses me in so many ways, I turned to go somewhere else but his arm shot out and he grabbed my arm. "Stop. I just want to know what happened."

"Nothing happened." I told him quickly while shrugging his hand off and letting my hair fall in my face. He doesn't need to know and I don't have to tell him.

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