Unstable Recovery

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Drake's p.o.v.

"Why can't I go in?" I snapped, my brows furrowed and jaw set firmly. Can't one thing be easy? Can't these people understand that I need to see Jaden. Every nerve in my body wanted to barge through every room in this building to make sure he's ok, that he's not hurt. I wouldn't believe it until I saw him.

"He is not permitted to have visitors until a two week introduction can be made to the institution"

"Bullshit!" I snapped at the receptionist, my hand clenched into fists at my sides. 

"Its protocol Sir." She snapped back and stood to her full height of somewhere near five foot even, trying to seem tough and angry. "If your going to continue to make a scene then I'm going to have to ask you to leave."

"Please, can I at least see him? I just want to see that hes fine physically." So I can stop having a panic attack I think to myself. "I've been through hell to get here." I explained more calmly while palming my hair. It would be a total waste if I wasn't able to see Jaden. Scratch that, it would not have been a waste, I would have gone through the interrogation a thousand times if it gave me even the smallest chance of seeing him.

"The most I can do is let you look through a small two way mirror." She said softly and walked out from behind her desk to lead the way. The woman was naturally timid, it was obvious in how she carried herself. Good for her for standing up to my moody shit. I really didn't mean to snap so rudely at her. We traveled through the halls and took an elevator up two floors before walking into another hallway with rooms placed evenly apart. "Here."

I looked at the door with a small window that she pointed to and stepped tward it hesitantly. The room was filled with warm brown colors of different shades, sometimes looking tanish-orange. The room contained a bed, side table, and a simple toilet in the corner. A small barred window above the bed.

Then there was Jaden. Laying on the bed while staring at the wall ahead of him. He was facing me so I saw his blank eyes that showed nothing. Like he was deep in thought or simply not thinking of anything at all, spaced out in his own little world. Jaden's brown hair was unkempt and scattered around, a dirt smudge on his face but what stood out the most was his jacket. A pale-tan straight jacket that forced his arms to hug himself. "Why is he wearing that?"

Was he suicidal? No. Jaden wasn't like that. I didn't like the view of my love in that jacket.

"He is required to wear it for safety procautions." She explained while leaning on the wall and crossing her arms. "He assulted one of our nurses and put him in a hospital. He's dangerous and unstable."

"He's not unstable!" Dangerous, yes but I know him. Jaden doesn't like confrontations or violence. He was forced to do it but would he do it on his own? I saw the way he was when we fooled around, he wants to be normal. He just needs my help to get there.

"I beg to differ. The medicines the doctors are trying have made his emotions very unstable. Just a day ago he was a crying mess, they tweaked his meds and now he's like this. It's sad but it's the only way to test if the meds are right for his state or not." The short blond said although it sounded like she was talking to herself as she glanced at Jadens door.

"There must be something I can do." I pleaded with her. Hopefully she has a sense of sympathy that would result in some kind of good coming.

"Your his boyfriend right? Your awfully concerned for him." I nod happily to her questions and she smiles. "That's cute." Georgett gushes and continues "Have you been together long?"

"Not too long but it's long enough that I know I'm in love with him beyond comparison." I said with a small smile as I glanced at my young assasin. Turning back to the institution worker, I questioned. "What does this have to do with anything?"

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