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Jadens p.o.v

It's been two days since I broke down in tears. Two days of Drake telling me I can't go back to the club. He stays with me all day only leaving me to sleep in a room next to his. I haven't seen anyone but him. The employee hasn't showed up and the servants are nowhere to be seen. I need to go back to the club though. Boss will be coming for an update on the situation in three days like usual and I have nothing.

Drake had brought me to his home after my disgraceful display at the club and he's been acting strange since. Always giving me side glances and talking about random things. He's the first one I see in the morning and the last thing at night, which is creepy. Where does he get the energy to wake up as early as I do? I wake up at 4.30 a.m. most days. Drake always has the need to make sure I eat and always tries to do 'fun' things in his house (more like mansion) like watching some movie or swimming in his pool. I've never watched a movie so that was interesting and I only learned to swim for training purposes.

"So I was wondering if you wanted to go play in the gaming room today." Drake said, snapping me from my thoughts. Here we go again. He was sitting next to me eating a tiny portion of food like he always does, he gives me huge portions for some reason, and giving me a small smile. Honestly he didn't seem to be acting normal at all. He doesn't seem like the type to do this many fun activities or talk a lot.

I sighed "Listen Drake I appreciate you trying to make me feel better and all, but I need to work." He frowned and looked down at his barely eaten food with a confused expression.

"You can stay here as long as you like." He spoke softly, then with determination he spoke again while lifting his head to stare into my eyes. "I'll take care of you. You won't have to work or anything. You could just stay here and I'll make you as happy as possible. All you have to do is stay here and no one will hurt you again."

It was my turn to look down. Why? How come every time I get my priorities straight, killing Charles and going back to work, he has to go and make me think of something outrageous and impossible? It's not fair because those things actually sound amazing but I can't have then. It makes me sad and makes me feel like there's a pinching in my chest. My eyes widened slightly when Drake's hand came and lifted my chin forcing me to look at him again.

"I c-can't. I need to work." I said again. It's the truth. I need to work for my Boss to be satisfied and for that I have to go back to the club.

"Why? Is something wrong? Do you owe somebody money?" He asked. God he loves making things complicated.

"No. I just need the money for my caretaker and I don't feel comfortable having you help me other than with a job." I replied calmly and averted my eyes to the side. Drake moved back with a nod.

"Jason I can't let you be a waiter down there with the way you acted. It's not healthy for you, I'm sorry." He truly seemed sad with his shoulders slightly slouched. Oh man I was hoping I wouldn't have to go this far but I need to work there so I can get close to Charles.

"C-can I get a different job then?" I asked softly. I wish confident talking was part of my training. That would make this whole thing easier. I was currently looking at my clenched hands in my lap.

"I don't know. What kind of job do you want?" He asked and I could feel him staring at me. Ok I can do it, just say it and the rest will be easy.

Taking a deep breath I looked up into his pretty eyes. "I-i want to be a pole dancer..." I said quietly with a blush rising on my cheeks. Drake froze, a confused and shocked expression on his face.

"A pole dancer?" He asked slowly as if he may have heard wrong when I said it. I nodded my head to confirm it. He probably thinks I'm joking but I'm not. I did some research in these last couple days when Drake thought I was sleeping. I watched some videos of some pole dancers and it's mostly just swinging around or climbing up a pole while trying to look sexual. I can do the moves those people did it's probably the sexual part I need to work on. He suddenly started laughing at me and I shot him a glare.

"What's so funny Drake?"I huffed. That's mean. I was being serious! Drake placed a hand over his mouth and his laughter died down to small chuckles, I would punch his throat if he continued laughing.

"Nothing. I'm sorry but I just get the impression that you have never been a pole dancer before. I can't imagine you as one either." He explained and I gave him an opened mouth stare. that makes me feel just marvelous. Please note the sarcasm. He doesn't even think I can do it. Talk about judging a book by its cover. Well it's all I got right now so I'll have to convince him that I can do this.

"Well what if I have done it before? I happen to believe I could be an excellent pole dancer." I shot back and he raised a brow. Oh now what? He always had something to say back.

"You said could." He said smugly. "As in you haven't done it before." with that said he crossed his thick arms over his strong chest and leaned back in his chair with a smirk plastered on his face. Why does he always have to win? I guess he's right though. I've never done that before and I don't know if i'm even good at it, let alone good enough to get a job as one at his club.

"Fine then I have a proposition for you." I started feeling quite confident in myself. Drake dropped his arms and seemed very interested, he motioned with his hands for me to continue. "Ok I will get some time to practice by myself and then I will give you a performance. If I'm good I get a job and you get a new pole dancer. If I'm terrible you will forget what you saw and I will leave you alone. That seems like a win win to me." I explained. I'm really hoping I'm good now because if I'm not I will have failed my mission because this was my last chance to get close to Charles.

I watch in nervousness as he leans forward in his seat and with a smile on his face says "Sounds like a deal to me."

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