Moving On

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That is Drake to the side! At least for now cause I might change him later. Enjoy :)

Jadens p.o.v

He kissed me. He kissed me and I kissed him back. What the hell? I pushed out of his hold and fell from his arms landing with a thud in a crouch on the floor. I stood with my arms limply by my sides and didn't look at him, instead looking at the design on the bars wood. It was swirled and the room had a thick scent. I can still feel his warm lips on mine, the way they molded with mine with a surprising softness that I enjoyed.

Drake stood there with his arms still outstretched to help me as if I was still on the floor but I snapped out of it and straightened up before starting forward to the door. From the corner of my eye I saw him reach for me but I quickly spat out. "Don't touch me." But it only made him flinch before he started toward me again. When his fingers were about to grab my arm I snatched his wrist then I said with a dark edge "I said.." faster than Drake was prepared for I planted my feet on the floor and flipped him over onto his back. Him landing with a low groan. "Don't touch me!" I was done with him, done with being embarrassed because of him. This whole thing was fucking hell.

With that I ran passed his shocked form, grabbed my shirt and pants from before the whole dancing thing and up the stairs. Whipping my head around I jogged to the front door but right as my hand was on the handle two arms went around my waist, the person spinning around to drop me away from the door. "Jaden don't leave I'm-"

"Get out of my way Drake I don't care! I have to go anyway." I seathed. Why does he have to be so damn confusing and how the hell is he that fast! It irritates me how Drake always manages to sneak up on me without me knowing. I mean I've dealt with sneaky people before and never been caught or seen so why is he different?

"If you would just let m-"

"I. Don't. Care. I'm leaving and if you don't move then I'll make you move." I snapped and he raised a curious brow at my statement. Snorting I sorted through some ideas and decided. Drake stood tall with his bare arms crosses over his chest, a smirk playing at his lips. Taking a deep breath while shaking my head, I smile at him. Walking to him he watches me with weary eyes. Oh Drake you should probably just move. I lifted my hand and placed it on the hard muscle of his upper arm lightly, slightly caressing his arm. "Won't you let me leave Drake?"

He honestly seemed surprised and I was laughing evilly in my head. My internal sanity was questioned but who cares. Anyway Drake stared with narrowed eyes before slowly replying with a curt "No."

"Suit yourself" I said and shrugged. Wrapping my right leg around his left leg I braced my hands on his waist before driving my shoulder into his side causing both of us to tumble to the floor with me on top in seconds. Pushing against Drake's chest so I'm straddling his stomach, I punch in the middle of his chest making him release all his air. Then I'm up and out the door in seconds, clothes in hand cause I refuse to walk in public with booty shorts. Running down the long, and I'm talking long driveway, I look around and see the twelve foot brick wall that wraps around the whole house and the gate that doesn't open unless........ unless Drake puts in a code. Sighing I peer back only to see the devil himself in the doorway and then bounding down the stairs after me. When I look forward again he's suddenly in front of me and I stop immediately with wide eyes. "Where - how did..... how did you get there!?"

Drake put a finger to his lips in a shush sign before whispering "it's a secret." With a smile so big it could go up against the Joker's. Then his features got serious and I was slightly disappointed that he wasn't smiling anymore. "Now I'm sorry for kissing you if that's what you're upset about but please don't run off and stop trying to hurt me."

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