The Walking Dead

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Jadens p.o.v.

Years of abuse have left the impact of my injuries dull. It hurts, don't get me wrong because it harmed me to the point of passing out for a full day but I've learned to ignore it in a way. If you pretend it doesn't exist then eventually your body believes it's not real. That's how I see it although it doesn't work when something touches the lashes or burns on my form and when I move they throb but there's only so much a person in my position can do.

I was in my quarter, laying stomach down in the middle of my bed. My arms and legs were stretched out and cuffed to the edges of the frame, leaving me completely nude and vulnerable, my back and upper arms covered in wounds. My head was resting on a pillow and turned to the side so I could stare at the wall. They were all grey, everything in my room was. My desk, chair, bed, walls, even my door. Boss made it like that and they never changed color over the years.

'Why are you so sad?'

I shivered because of his voice and also because it was cold in here. Closing my eyes, I tried my hardest to ignore him.

'Jay-Bear, come on, tell me what's wrong...'

I felt a hand on my hand and tensed. Its not real. It never is but it feels real. The warmth and light pressure of his hand on mine feels real. I bite my lips to keep quiet as tears form in my eyes. Its not real. I'm not crazy.

'Jaden how am I supposed to help if you won't talk to me?' He sighs and I clench my hand into a fist as a tear falls down my cheek. I hate showing him what I've become without him. 'Remember alone we are stable but together we are strong. Don't cry...'

"We're not together though." I whisper and my gaze stays locked on the wall, not really seeing it but staring blankly at it. If I look a him then he'll stop talking and disappear and as much as I want him to go away, I don't want him to leave either.

'Sure we are Jay-Bear just not in the way you want but I'm always around.'

"Why didn't you warn me then?Why didn't you help?" I asked and his hand settled in my hair, my eyes closing when he kissed my head. I breathed steadily, in and out, even though I felt out of breath.

I can't give you the answers to life, you need to figure that out for yourself. I can give you hints though so live for yourself. Some people come in your life as blessings and others come into your life as lessons. Its what you choose to make of those blessings that will change your life forever. He says softly and I could practically see his bright smile in my mind but I didn't dare turn to check.

"What's that even supposed to mean?" All people lie and cheat, we're all greedy and alone in our own minds so how would a person change my life. Before he could answer my door burst open causing me to jump and the hand that was rubbing my head to disappear. I frowned but didn't move. I'm not crazy.

"Its time to clean your cuts again." Boss muttered and sighed as she walked over. I held in a groan when she plopped down and moved the bed a lot. She would never care about how I feel as long as I did her dirty work. I didn't want her to help me. I gasped in pain and my body tensed when she ran a finger over a single lash. "I hope you learned your lesson. You know I hate punishing you J."

I nodded slowly and she leaned into my view with a smile. It was the kind of smile that showed you just how happy a person was and I couldn't help but give a small smile in return. It was the smile of a proud mother and that was something that happened to me once in a blue moon. She leaned back and rummaged through a first aid kit before she pulled out a needle and thread. Then she proceeded to gently spread a gel that would numb my back and got to work. All I felt was a tugging sensation as she closed the wounds she inflicted upon me. I stayed limp the entire time not doing anything but hearing her happy humming as she sewed. My arms and legs were sore but that didn't matter to her. My hair was wild on top of my head, sticking in every direction and I smelled like sweat, blood, and urine. I hated the smell so it was a wonder how boss could come in here without heaving.

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