Shrugging Things Off

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Jadens p.o.v.

Drake was sleeping beside me. It should have fazed me, should have made me want to scoot away or get up all together but I did nothing. It was nothing. I lay limply in his arms, the warmth of his body felt nice but at the same time the chill of the room was inviting as well. Drake's face was different when he was asleep. The stress wrinkles on his forehead left and his face smoothed out, giving him a younger look but it didn't matter. His lips so close to mine didn't matter. Shouldn't matter.

I pushed at his arm gently, wanting some distance between us once I realized how close we really were. After some struggle and quiet curses I managed to stand up stiffly. Goosebumps litter my arms and neck and I soon find out that I've been treated. My upper body was covered in neatly tied bandages but that was it, no shirt. I was frustrated because Drake didn't listen. I told him not to worry, that I was fine but he doesn't listen and that's infuriating even though it was done with good intent. As much as I wanted to leave and try to forget all of this, I couldn't bring myself to go and open the door.

"Jaden..." I stepped back and out of Drake's line of vision when he suddenly shifted on the bed, my instincts getting the best of me. He was on his side and I watched intently as one of his hands reached out as if searching for something..... or someone. When he didn't find me next to him his face scrunched up and he shot up into a sitting position. "Jaden?"

"Right here." I said while crossing my arms self-consciously. I still was not comfortable showing people the scars I have even though he's already seen them. He stands quickly with a smile and walks over to me with he arms forward, palms up. It was like he wasn't just sleeping a moments ago. He woke up so fast and there wasn't a hint of sleep on his face or in his body movements.

"Are you ok?" He asked as his eyes roamed my body. I turned my body side ways as to hide, somewhat, from his eyes but there was only so much I could do in here.

"I'm fine." It was turning into a usual response, probably already was my go to response for that kinda of question. Drake glared at me and I glared back. Blue eyes clashing with blue eyes until he sighed and looked away. Of course in reality my back still throbbed but it was manageable. Whatever he did really helped even if I refused to admit it.

"Do you need something?" He asked, curiously. Running his hand through his messy head of hair to try and tame it. I was going to deny but right as I opened my mouth to spit out a 'no' my stomach growled, loudly. I closed my mouth right away while a blush worked it's way across my cheeks when I heard his chuckle. Stupid stomach. "Food it is then!"

I watch as his slips into the bathroom and less than a minute later he's out in new clothes and a freshly shaven face. I hate the fact that he's so fast at every damn thing. He tries to hand me a shirt that I snatched out of his hand and carefully tug on. I, as you can probably tell, was in a bad mood. It was big. That's all I had to say for the shirt the kept falling off my left shoulder and fell below om waist. "Where's my shirt?"

"In the washer along with everything else that managed to have blood on it. Don't worry you look fine." Drake said and flashed me a smile but I knew he had amusement from this. After slipping on our shoes he went and opened the bedroom door and motioned for me to exit first. I hesitated. Where the children up this early? Would they try again? There was a lot of them but really go to me was what they wanted. The fact that they only attacked me because they wanted to suck me dry makes me shiver. "Scared?"

"I'm not scared." I scorff and tug the shirt up my shoulder. I can't be scared of anything. To show fear is to show weakness as well so I square my shoulders despite the shot of pain it causes and walk out the door while Drake closes the door with a smirk. Smug bastard. He leads the way and after huffing, I follow him because I'm quite literally starving. No use in passing up free food. The house is quiet except for a TV playing in one of the rooms. I look away from Drake when he stretches and walks down the stairs because.... well.. because when he stretches his arms above his head his shirt rides up and the skin that shows is tanned to perfection and distracting. Just a little bit though. "Aren't we going to the kitchen?"

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