Call to Action

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Jadens p.o.v.

When we finally got to the restaurant I was more than relieved to leave the confines of that car, no matter how comfortable it was. The fact the I had to sit in a confined space with Drake for so long with a burning blush on my face was too much for my ego to handle. It didn't make sense. He was a man, a wonderfully perfect man but a man non the less. Wasn't a man supposed to love a woman? No, things have changed, in this day it's almost completely normal for a man to love another man but was that ok with me?

"Are you coming in?" Drake inquired, it was that moment I realized I was still standing by the car door and so I quickly rushed after him as he patiently held the door open. I had to duck under his arm to get through the doorway and when I glanced back he was smirking to himself. The In and Out we were in had a modern look to it. Square tables where placed around in a fun kind of unorganized way with some fancy looking round chairs and interestingly shaped lights hanging above each table. Light colors brightened the room and gave it an inviting feel.

We walked up to the counter and Drake turned to me. "What would you like?" I looked at him blankly for a moment before turning to the menu. Um, I don't really eat out. I usually make my meals or just have some junk food like chips. If your invited to eat then the polite thing to do is get something cheep right? Ummm.

"Can I have a cheeseburger?" I asked him. Even though I was raised to kill, I still have morals and my personality makes me not want to inconvenience others. He contemplated for a bit before nodding his head and turning to order. I could have done it myself but he asked so I answered him and now he's ordering for me like I'm some child.

"One cheeseburger, two double doubles, two fries and two drinks please." He told the cashier person and she nodded happily while plugging in the order. Drake must have been hungry too since he wants two big burgers and the double double does sound really good right now but I stay silent. I shift from foot to foot as he pays for everything before we go and find a table. I never realized how unsettling it was for someone else to pay for my food until now. Making sure to sit across from Drake on the other side of the table I notice he's still staring at me.

I stare right back but it gets boring fast so I raise a brow in question but he just does the same. Amusement overcomes me when I glare and he glares back. I tilt my head to the left and he tilts his head to the right so he's following my movements. He fucking copying me! It's funny but annoying too so I decide to see how far he'll copy. Lifting my hand, I place it on my neck and he does the same. My hand drifts down my chest slowly and after some hesitance he does the same until my hand is right above the waist band of my jeans but the table blocks his view so my other hand comes up now. The way he's so intently watching me is slightly unsettling but the fact that his eyes are slightly unfocused tells me that this is affecting him quite a bit. I deserve some revenge after he made a blushing mess of me in the car so I tilt my head down and peek at him from under my hair with wide, innocent like, eyes and slip two fingers into my mouth only to hear a low growl in response. I blush again because we are in public but the blush seems to add to Drake's interest.

Drake stares intensely at me with lust filled eyes, long since having forgotten to copy me in favor of watching. "Number 73!"

I let my fingers leave my mouth with a pop and reached over with my other hand for the recipe that had a big 73 at the top. With a smirk and pink cheeks I got up and grabbed our tray of food before setting it on the table while Drake followed my with his eyes, dark blue eyes that wanted to see more than they actually saw. I walked away and came back with napkins and some ketchup. By this time I had wiped my hands and he seemed to have gotten some form of self control back. Drake's challenging stare didn't bother me though. I knew he was going to want to retaliate but this time I was ready for it. He wouldn't catch me off guard like that again.

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