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Jaden's p.o.v.

"Please, no more!" I plead, turning my head to the side while scooting away, a laugh escaping my lips when the nurse tries to give me even more chocolate pudding. The fifth cup in his hand as he lifts the spoon with the other.

"You love it." He laughs and smudges some on my face, my cheek to be exact.

"It is good but I can't eat anymore." He sighs and leans back only to shoot forward and shove the spoon in my mouth. The sweet and lumpy treat spreads over my tongue as I shoot him a playful glare. He laughs some more and I can't help but smile.

Nick is new. He and my old nurse switched patients or something but ever since, no more needles. No more giant men trying to pin me down. The past week has been amazing, as far as being tied up and held hostage can be, and Nick actually talks to me. He waits for me to reply. We could go for hours on random topics but he knows when I don't feel like talking about myself, he respects me. Nick loves to feed me, pudding especially.

I think he likes it more than I do but he wants me to love it as much as he does so he shoves it in my mouth, down my throat if he must but it's more amusing than anything else.

"Okay, okay, no more." He says as he calms down. Nick had an infectious laugh and his smile was bright. He was a nice guy.

"Thank god." I groaned with a smile. The pudding was making me feel fat. I always felt better after he has his fun feeding me though, maybe because he was happier after too.

Nick leans forward with a napkin to wipe the brown substance off my cheek before going to throw it away. "So..... yesterday was your last day of confinement." He drawled out with a twirl of the spoon.

"Yeah? Does that mean I can leave?" I ask excitedly. If I could go out then I could find Drake, we could do things like we used too. I wouldn't get too deeply involved but he was someone who I could bring my walls down around, if only a bit. The sky and fresh air were calling to me as well, to go out and feel the heat warming my skin would be pleasant all by itself.

"No. I'm sorry you can't leave yet." He softly apologized while cleaning the mess of pudding cups on the bed. I slumped back in disappointment and wished badly that I could scratch my head although the jacket I wore prevented such a movement. "We do have a visitor for you today though. A Drake I believe? He's been very adamant on seeing you as soon as possible."

"Take me to him now! Please." I said fast before it could really sink in. He was here and that was all that mattered.

Drake's p.o.v.

"Your supposed to wait for me!" A loud voice laughed, out of breath. I turned to see who was yelling only to have someone slam themselves onto my lap, my back smacking against the chair I sat in.

"Drake!" That breathless gasp was all I needed before I wrapped my arms around Jaden's waist to keep him from falling. He looked up to me with teary blue eyes and ruffled hair before he shoved his face in my neck still gasping for breath. "I....can I.... Drake...."

"Shhh calm down first, then we'll talk." I hushed him lightly as he wiggled in my arms. It had been so long since we could touch each other, his body felt like it belonged in my arms, against my chest. His breathing slowed while the nurse walked out the door to give us privacy. "Jaden...." I sighed, "Its all right, I've got you now."

"I know."

I watched as he leaned away from me, my arms never leaving his back. "I missed you."

"Me too." He said as he tried moving his arms. I wanted to take the jacket off but it was forbidden. "Drake please take me home."

"I can't," I whispered. I wanted to, desperately but I couldn't even when Jaden gave me the saddest puppy eyes I've seen on him. "You have to stay here for a while but I promised that I would take care of you and I will because I love you."

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