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Jadens p.o.v.

Twelve fifteen in the morning and I'm sitting in the kitchen of my mother's home, my ribs wrapped up nice and tight as to not hurt when I move, sharpening my knife as quietly as possible. My gun already checked and cleaned along with my emergency daggers. Heh my weapons all have their own names too. Pierce, my knife, was my first hand held weapon that Boss gave me when I was four. Emit was a gun I stole from a victim when I was seven, I still remember the way his blood spilled out of his head in an almost perfect circle. I always liked quick death better than torture. Chip and Snip, my twin daggers, were from a visiting ambassador that was in the wrong place at the wrong time along with his body guards.

These weapons have always helped me and have been my only form of back up since I started missions for Boss. A smile tugged at my lips when I recalled how easy it was for some people to trust a younger me only to die. One of my victims even tried to kidnap me when I was nine but that obviously backfired for him and I got to rob his house. That was a good day. Boss let me have a lollipop that day and gave me a hug because of the expensive items I found. I put Pierce down and stood up, grabbing some bread and putting it in the toaster.

Today would mark my one thousand nine hundred and ninety eighth completed mission after Charles is gone, not all of them involved a murder though but most did. Footsteps coming down the stairs made me straighten my back and take my weapons off the table and into their respective holsters. They were hidden in my jeans and jacket so no one could tell were they are but easy enough to grab and stab.

"Hello boss." I greeted but she ignored me as per usual and went for the coffee machine that already had coffee in it. Pooring herself a cup she leaned her hips against the counter before turning her tired eyes on me.

"Today it's done, yes?" She ask and I nodded. My toast popped out and I set myself to put some jelly on them while she kept her gaze on me, sipping her drink. "Good, come here immediately after your mission is complete and go down to the basement."

The butter knife fell from my fingers and clanked against the counter top, my body freezing along with my heart for a moment. "W-why?" I don't think I did anything wrong since I came back.

"You were slacking off at the beginning of your mission and I just want to make sure you remember to stay on task from now on." She said blankly before going back up stairs with me frozen in the kitchen. "Oh and don't mess up again J!"

I let out a shaky breath and sat down. Even though my last punishment was a couple weeks ago I'm still not ready for another one. I never was and never will be. She kept me down there for days at a time and only time will tell what she will do this time because it's always different from the last one. I should have know Boss would punish me for my actions, she taught me better than to slack off and disobey her orders but Drake just made me feel different. Like I didn't need to do something to make him happy or hide anything. That was a lie though, a glitch in my brain that actually led me to believe he cared for me. I sat in my seat for a while before pushing my thoughts away and finally getting up to leave, my toast forgotten and hunger gone.

Twelve forty-five am. I'm loitering on a bench across the street and a couple buildings down from Drake's club. He's in there now, they both are for sure. Charles was late to his shift today, I know because I followed him earlier to make sure he was here. I planned to play him into a trap. Waiting for him is a bother though because sometimes he sneaks out early thus my hour and fifteen minute in advance steak out.

I watch silently as man after man walks in and out of the loud club and the base from the sound system able to reach me from where I sat. Then a woman walked to the door and was going to go straight in if it wasn't for the boucer who stopped her. I watched as he stood tall and she yelled profanities at him, apparently demanding entrance. I found it amusing how that small woman tried to push past the wall of a man. She calmed and showed him her phone and to my surprise he left inside, the woman pacing around in front of the door.

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