Pain and Pleasure

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Jadens p.o.v.

I opened my eyes but immediately closed them when my vision got blurry and bright. Ah, my head hurts... I shifted around and regretted that immensely when a sharp pain traveled the length of my body. Where am I? Last thing I remember was leaving Drake's home. Peaking my eyes open again I looked around in a sleepy daze to see the warm tan walls and brown bed I'm in, the walk in closet that I haven't used yet and ensuite bathroom. My eyes drifted to the dark corner and I would have jumped up if the pain I was feeling didn't hurt so much because there was someone sitting in that corner, silently waiting. Immediately my mind started going through fight scenarios that would allow me to defend myself without too much movement.

"Shit. Sorry I didn't mean to scare you." A deep voice said and my body relaxed when it recognized the voice. Drake leaned forward so he was in the light and I could see his face before standing and coming to sit by my side on the bed, trying not to jostle it apparently by the way he sat slowly. His hand twitched closer to me before he stalled all his movements, his eyes never leaving my face.

"Stop staring like that or I'm going to assume you're a pervert." I stated and looked away from his perfect face, his deep blue eyes, instead looking at the wall. I've never been one to like too much attention.

"Well I am in some people's eyes but I don't think so. Why.... does it bother you?" He asked, obviously amused in some way and even though I wasn't looking at him I knew he was smirking. I rolled my eyes but stopped when my head pounded and everything became dizzy.

"The fact that you were staring at me for who knows how long like a creeper makes you a pervert and yes it does." I told him and closed my eyes, letting my head loll back so the dizziness could maybe go away. Everything kinda had a throbbing sensation in my body but I wasn't going to let that stop me from talking. "What happened?"

"You don't remember? I was hoping you could tell me what happened to you." Drake seemed concerned with my lack of answers and he had good reason to because so was I. The only thing I remember was leaving Drake's house but other than the childish behavior with him I don't remember what happened after... My brows furrowed together in concentration while one hand fisted the blanket in frustration but all I could think about was my headache and the throb in my chest when I breathed. "Hey."

Came his soft voice laced with.. concern? Peering up at him I saw him leaned toward me with a cup of water. Smiling gratefully I pushed myself onto my elbows while moaning in pain. Bad idea. A hand came to my back and helped me sit up, my teeth clenched and a small sweat working onto my forehead as I was leaned against the headboard. "Here this should help with the pain. You got a concussion so the alight memory loss makes sense."

I took the cup and gulped half of the cup down before taking the two pills in his hand and swallowing them dry only to wash it down with the rest of the water. "Thanks I needed that." Drake only smiled and reached for the cup that I handed him. "You found me right?" He nodded and set the cup aside before giving me his full attention once again. "Where? Tell me what you saw when you found me. I want to know."

Drake sucked in a breath before asking "Are you sure? I think maybe-" he cut himself off at the sight of my glare, getting the hint that I didn't care. Sighing he looked away before continuing. "You were in a old café of sorts. The place was rundown and vacant, garbage on the floor and some broken glass from the windows. When I walked inside I didn't see anyone but the smell of your blood was everywhere so I went in further." I watches with a blank expression as he took a breath then went on explaining with clenched fists. "Jaden, you were laying in a puddle of your own blood, beaten and unconscious. It scared the hell out of me when I saw how much blood you lost so I ran you to the hospital as fast as I could."

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