All Alone

443 23 3

Jadens p.o.v.

I fist to the face can be eye opening. It let's you know that other person is against you, that they dislike you enough to violate you personal bubble with violence. A punch was something I knew well but in the past a punch was an order to submit, now it drove a fire in my soul to conquer anyone that may be oppressing my life in a way that is suffocating.

My head snaps to the left and as a tingling sensation let's me know about the drop of blood sliding down my cheek. I twist my arm out and manage to slice a line down Julians bicep. He hisses and throws another punch that I block with my forearm. My body goes loose and I drop to the floor purposely to kick his knee back, he cries out and falls to one knee, his hand clutching the other. The tendons snapped and Julian is disabled.

He was so damn vulnerable that it was sad. I don't know what made my mom think he could possibly beat me. He was all strength and no tactic.

I hold no remorse for his pain but before I can slash his throat to end the job, I'm tackled to the floor and forced to let go of the chain I was clinging to so I wouldn't choke Drake. "You innsolate ungrateful child!" My mother growls while throwing punches that I catch and she struggles to pin me down. I know her moves, her tactic for imobalizing a target. After all she tough me everything I know.

Left, left, right, left, twist.

I almost laugh at how easily it is to follow her bodily jerks. That thought is dispelled when she drives her knee into my stomach while she smirks above me, our breaths mingling in our endeavor to overpower one another. She squeezed my wrist until the dagger fell from my grip but I flipped us over and jumped to my feet. My gun in hand seconds before she was up and at me again. I fired too early and she dodged the bullet by a hair. "Put the gun down before I make you."

"I'm done being your bitch! You can't control me anymore because I'm stronger than you and you know it too." I laugh sarcastically. She was diabolical and just plain sad. "You abused me since I was born to keep me under your thumb didn't you. You knew it would make me depressed and insane because a mentally unstable person is easy to manipulate, didn't you!" I asked frantically while cocking the gun for enphasis. Locks of her hair fell from her ponytail and she put her arms at her sides before raising them a little.

"I did it for you! Jaden you were always the slower one! The one who didn't want to fight because you hated it. I fixed you!" She yelled while moving her arms to help make a point I, however stepped closer and glared at her sincere face. Only now could I see the untamed madness in her gaze. She was lying and wasn't even trying to hide it. I jerked the delicate chain from around my neck and showed her the inside.

"What happened to this? Why did you change after he left us!" My lips trembled so I bit the lower one and kept my stance strong before throwing the item at her feet. It skidded to a stop against her boot and she leaned down to pick it up with wide eyes. I took the chance and grabbed her ponytail while yanking her face to my knee. A screech filled the silence along with the crunching sound of her nose breaking. I backed up and let her slump to the floor, loomed over her form with a look of disbelief.

She's at my feet but a part of my didn't want her there. I wanted her to comfort me and tell me why she treated me like that. I wanted some form of normalism in my life. Just one thing to be ordinary. Not death, adrenaline, depression, secrets, and betrayal. I just wanted to be happy. My mother wouldn't give me that though so with a shaky breath I lifted the gun and aimed for her unmoving head.

"No!" The sound of the deep gurgled voice registered before the effects of being punched in the back of the head did. I fell to the cement ground with a groan, my hair falling in my face and gun sliding from my grasp a couple inches away. I rolled over and coughed up some blood while searching my now hazy vision for the threat. "I hate you so fucking much. I don't see what that bastard ever saw in you."

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