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Jadens p.o.v.

My head stayed bowed as Drake spoke heatedly with his mother a few feet away from where I sat on the couch. I didn't mean to make trouble for him but he came here on his own, I had pushed him to leave the city though. I was always the one who burdens others and I hated that about me.

Drake's mom had shrieked when she walked out quickly only to see us break away from that kiss and it wasn't a happy shriek let ne tell you. It was a full blow shriek of terror. My face was still warm from the embarrassment of being caught doing such things as I stared down at my hands. We had scrambled out of the pool and Drake pulled me into the house to change before finally acknowledging his mother. The sweater and boxers I was in were obviously his because my clothes were dirty or so said Drake. My fingers twitched with nerves so I entertained myself by tapping an odd beat on my knees with my hands.

Obviously I wasn't welcomed here, at least not by his mother's terms. If I left though I would have no where to go. My mom would most likely find me as well. Maybe I should go. My hands stopped moving as I peered over at Drake and his mom. They were both glaring at each other and talking quickly but she seemed calmer. The woman who brought Drake into this world stood at the same height, only because of the high heels she wore, with long wavy hair the same dark onix color of Drake's hair. I didn't want to separate them even more. A mother son relationship is one of the best things a male can have.

Something I could never have.

I glared heatedly at my legs while my fingers squeezed the hem of my borrowed sweater. Why couldn't I have that? What did I do that made me deserve a psychopath for a mother? Even before I caused Wolf's death she was evil. I jumped away from the hand that gently settled over my right one. My hand automatically jerks out of his and I finally realized that they where shaking, badly. "Hey, hey what's wrong?"

His soft voice was nice, calming and reassuring like a mother's voice should be but it was clear he wasn't a woman. This was Drake in front of me. Another male that wanted to dominate me like Wolf and Zack had, always better than me at everything. "Nothing I was just thinking of my mother."

"She won't take you from me, I promise and as long as we are together I won't let her hurt you. No matter what." He says sincerely with determination shining in his eyes. This time when he reached for my hand I didn't pull back, he gave it a light squeeze before I sighed. He shouldn't say things that won't be true. When things get tough, he'll probably run, even Wolf tried to run. I won't get my hopes up.

"Where did your mom go?" I asked out of curiosity as well as to distract myself from negative thoughts. The woman was nowhere to be seen and I couldn't hear her heals clicking at the floor so she wasn't near.

"She left to run some errands..." He replied slowly. When my eyes settled on him, he was looking off in the direction of the front door. "She doesn't want you to stay."

That didn't surprise me in the least but it made me wary. I leaned back in my seat and crossed my arms. "Well then I guess she'll be having a fit then." We both chuckled before he reached over and pulled me into his side for a hug. It doesn't matter if his mother hates the fact that her son likes me. I have to stay to protect him because I brought him into this. I wrapped my arms around his waist as his arms wrapped around my shoulder with his head resting on top of mine.

"My mother will be back and as much as I hate to say, she'll have something bigger than a fit." He mumbles into my hair and I just relax into the embrace more. I don't care what the beautiful witch does. Anything she throws at me, I can handle. "I'm serious. She might do anything."

"Like what?" I chuckled. What could one small woman- nope, a woman could do a lot. I knew from experience but what could a nice small woman like Drake's mom do? She seemed pretty harmless in all honesty, like she wouldn't want to get her hands dirty.

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