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Mirana sighs, fighting the urge to itch her thigh

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Mirana sighs, fighting the urge to itch her thigh. She drums her fingers over her thigh as her leg bounces up and down.

"You're shaking the car," Tim says.

"Sorry," Mirana says, drumming her fingers faster.

"Itchy?" Tim asks, glancing at her thigh.

"Like a bitch," Mirana says. "But if I disrupt the healing process it could become infected"

Tim goes to reply but his phone ringing cuts him off. He lifts his phone to his ear as Mirana scrolls through her social media.

"Bradford," Tim's face goes deathly pale. "When? I-I'll be right there"

"What's happening?"

"It's Isabel," Tim sighs. "She's overdosed and I'm still her emergency contact"

"Is she-?"

"She's alive," Tim says as he peels out of the car park they're in. "They gave her some Narcan and she's responsive and walking around"

"What are you going to say to her?" Mirana asks.

"I have no idea,"


Mirana and Tim enter the hospital and run towards the emergency department. People move out of their way as they run through the hospital corridors.

"Stay here," Tim says to Mirana who nods. "I'm looking for my wife, Isabel Bradford"

The sound of a treatment room door opening causes Mirana's head to turn and she nudges Tim when Isabel emerges from the room.

"Ugh," Isabel rolls her eyes.

"Isabel," Tim says softly.

"I'm fine, all right? They shouldn't have called you," Isabel tries to move past Tim but he blocks her from leaving.

"Where the hell are you going? You just O.D.'d,"

"I'm fine. They can't hold me. Let go,"

Mirana watches as Tim drags Isabel into a side room slamming the door closed. Raised voices can be heard from inside as Mirana stands near the desk awkwardly.

"Hey," A nurse walks up to Mirana and flashes her a smile. "My name's Sam"


"I don't think I've ever seen such a pretty police officer," He flirts and Mirana grins up at him.

"Aren't you a charmer?"

The door to the side room opens causing Mirana to turn and see Isabel's fleeing from. Mirana offers Sam a quick smile before she slips into the room. She watches silently as Tim puts his fist straight through the wall.

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