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Tim stares at the warehouse as he stands with fellow LAPD officers and S

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Tim stares at the warehouse as he stands with fellow LAPD officers and S.W.A.T. officers, all preparing to breach the warehouse. His heart thumps with anxiety, hoping to find the woman he loves in the warehouse.

"Breach team is in position," Tim says into his radio and Lawrence places a hand on his shoulder, giving it a squeeze before stepping back into his position.

"We're clear to go in,"

At Grey's statement, the officers breach the warehouse, their guns raised as they move as a unit. Tim can feel Nyla and Lawrence's presence as they move together, their anxiety palpable.

"I've got something," An officer calls out.

Tim, Nyla and Lawrence look at each other before running over. On the ground is Angela's wedding dress and the dress Mirana had worn to the wedding but Tim feels bile rising in his throat when he looks at the large blood stain on Mirana's dress.

"I don't think they shot her," Nyla says, crouching down to examine Mirana's dress. "There's no bullet hole and the blood's centred to-"

Nyla's words trail off as she places her hand to her mouth, horror and shock flooding her body as Tim looks at her.

"What?" Tim asks. "What is it?"

"I can't be sure," Nyla says. "But the location of the blood and the staining pattern- I think Mirana's miscarried"

Tim can't fight the nausea and he turns away from the dresses before he hunches over and vomits on the floor. Nyla rubs his back as he heaves, tears pouring from his eyes.

"I need to find her," Tim chokes out, his voice thick with emotion as he struggles to push past the overwhelming despair that threatens to engulf him. "I need her to live."

"We'll find her Tim," Nyla says, helping Tim sit on the floor before sitting next to him, Lawrence sitting on the other side of the man. "But she will be a different woman, she'll be in unimaginable pain. She was forced to watch Jackson die before her child died"

"I don't care about that," Tim shakes his head as Lawrence wraps an arm around his shoulders. "I will always love her"

"We know that Tim and she may be different, but she's still Mirana," Lawrence adds, his voice steady and reassuring as he hands Tim Mirana's engagement ring which had been on top of her dress. "And she'll need us now more than ever. We'll be there for her and you, every step of the way."


Mirana's eyes flutter open when she feels someone wiping a cool rag across her forehead and as her vision clears, she spots La Fiera who smiles at her when she notices Mirana is awake.

"Don't move too much," La Fiera says, gently helping Mirana sit up. "You were rushed for cirugia de emergencia as soon as we landed. My doctors did everything to try and save your bebe but it was too late"

Mirana closes her eyes as a sob falls from her lips. She ignores the pain in her stomach as she brings her knees to her chest, wrapping her arms around her legs.

"I will help you through this, dulce nina," La Fiera says, gently wiping the tears from Mirana's face. "If I could, I would take all of your pain"

"Why are you being so nice to me?" Mirana whispers.

"Because I wanted to protect you from the moment we met," La Fiera admits. "I wanted to take you from Elian when I saw your fear-filled eyes but I couldn't. By the time I was powerful enough, you had left Cuba"

"One of your men killed Jackson," Mirana says as she rests her head on her knees. "They made me watch as Jackson was shot in the back and loaded into the trunk of a car as if he was nothing"

"Abril disposed of Ricardo while you were in surgery and I know that the LAPD is hunting for your friend's killer," La Fiera says. "He wasn't supposed to die, I know how important he was to you. You are my familia now Mirana"

"I have a family," Mirana replies. "My hijo, Tim- Wait, where's Angela?"

"Angela is fine," La Fiera says. "But Abril and I are your family now, you will live here with us and you'll be happy"

"But I can't just abandon my family," Mirana protests, her voice trembling with emotion. "My son needs me, and Tim... he's waiting for me. I can't just leave them behind."

La Fiera's expression hardens, a flicker of irritation crossing her features as she meets Mirana's gaze with a steely resolve.

"Your loyalty lies with us now, Mirana," La Fiera asserts, her tone firm. "You belong here, with your new family. We will take care of you, protect you from harm. But you must understand that your old life is behind you now. You will never see them again"

"I can't accept that," Mirana whispers, her voice trembling with emotion. "I won't abandon Tim or Isaac, no matter what you say. They need me, and I need them. I won't let you take that away from me."

"You will learn to love us Mirana," La  Fiera replies, brushing a strand of hair out of Mirana's face and the woman flinches away from her touch.

"I won't," Mirana insists, her voice trembling. "I won't learn to love you, or anyone else here. Mi corazon belongs to my family, and nada you say or do will change that."

La Fiera's expression darkens at Mirana's defiance, her patience wearing thin as she stares down at the woman with thinly veiled frustration.

"You will learn your place, Mirana," La Fiera warns, her voice laced with an edge of menace. "And if you continue to resist, there will be consequences. You have been given an opportunity for a new life, a chance to start fresh with us. To be loved by a mother"

"My mother is Marisol Cabrera," Mirana states.

"Marisol has been dead for longer than you had her," La Fiera says, pulling out a syringe before sticking it into Mirana's neck and pushing the plunger. "You have me now"

"No," Mirana protests weakly, her voice barely above a whisper as she feels her strength slipping away. "You can't... No lo hare..."

But her words fade into a haze of uncertainty as the drug courses through her veins, clouding her thoughts and dulling her senses. The only thing prominent in her mind is a pair of blue watercolour eyes before it all fades to black.

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