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"7-Adam-19, silent hold-up alarm activated at Madame Megan's Psychic Shop

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"7-Adam-19, silent hold-up alarm activated at Madame Megan's Psychic Shop. 2417 Vine. Code 3,"

"I wonder if she's truly psiquica," Mirana says to Tim as they head towards the location of their call.

"Psychics aren't real," Tim says.

"Yes they are," Mirana says. "Mediums, psychics, people can interact with the spiritual world"

"I think we can agree to disagree," Tim says as he parks the car.

"Hm, the malos espiritus will be all over your house," Mirana says. "You should probably sage it"

"What are you talking about?" Tim asks as he parks the car.

"Burning sage repels bad spirits," Mirana says as they get out of the car.

"Sure," Tim says.

They walk into the shop to find a man threatening a woman with a large crystal ball as she cowers on the floor.

"Tell me! Tell me right now! How the hell did you know?! Answer me!"

"Police. Drop the snow globe,"

"It's a crystal ball," Mirana and the psychic say at the same time.

"And it cost $900," Megan says. "Can he just put it down instead?"

"You heard her," Tim says. "Gently"

The man puts the ball down and Mirana turns him to face the wall as Tim moves to help the woman to her feet.

"Ma'am, you okay?" Tim asks and the woman nods.

"Yeah. I was just giving that psycho a reading, and he hulked out,"

"Don't say another word. We've got psychic-client confidentiality," The man says as Mirana hands Tim the man's wallet.

"That's not a thing, asshat!"

"So, what exactly were you telling him when he attacked you?" Tim asks.

"We were talking about his love life. I said I saw an image of him and a beautiful woman surrounded by trees, and then he freaked out,"

"Did that strike a little too close to home for you?" Mirana asks the man. "Have you been in the woods with a woman recently?"

"No, it was just a misunderstanding,"

"Control run a name for me," Tim says into his radio. "Last name Fischer, first name Randy L. Suspected on a domestic"

"7-Adam-19, be advised, suspect's wife was reported missing six weeks ago,"

"Hands behind your back," Mirana says, cuffing the man.

"Holy crap. I was just making that up," Megan says.

"You were?"

"You think if I were really psychic that I'd be working out of a moldy storefront in Hollywood?" Megan turns to Tim, biting her lip. "Although, I can totally see us destroying my bedroom later"

Mirana snorts at the awkward expression on Tim's face as she leads Fischer from the shop.

"I didn't kill my wife!" The man exclaims.

"No one said you did," Mirana says, opening the back door of the police car. "Watch your head"

"All available units return to the station, we have a situation unfolding,"


Mirana sits between Lucy and Jackson as Jessica Russo and Doctor Morgan lead the emergency briefing.

"Okay, so here is what we know," Russo says. "At 10:00 last night, this man, Corey Valance, boarded a bus from Phoenix to L.A. He had a partner with him. We have no identification on that man, but we do know that they're part of a fringe nationalist group which believes that Los Angeles stands for everything that is wrong in America"

"The two men arrived here at 5:00 this morning. We believe Corey's partner strangled him in the bus station bathroom right after," Grey adds.

"You thinking Corey got cold feet?" Tim asks.

"It seems likely, yes," Russo nods. "Especially since they came here with this deadly virus"

"Well, that explains the Silkwood shower we just took," Nolan says.

"That was purely a precaution," Doctor Morgan says. "There is no evidence that the biological agent they were transporting has been released"

"But we do have every reason to believe that there is an attack planned in the near future,"

"What type of virus are we talking about?" Lucy asks.

"A weaponized strain of hemorrhagic fever, basically causes you to start bleeding and never stop. And that's how the virus spreads, through contact with bodily fluids," Doctor Morgan shows pictures on the screen and everyone grimaces.

"What about the incubation period? Fatality rate?" Mirana asks.

"It has an extremely short incubation period and a gruesome pathology. If not treated quickly, it has a 90% fatality rate," Doctor Morgan answers Mirana's question.

"And if it's treated quickly?" Nolan asks.

"We believe that drops down to around 60%. But the bad news is -" Doctor Morgan is cut off by Nolan's question.

"That's not the bad news?"

"No," Doctor Morgan shakes her head. "The bad news is, there's only an experimental vaccine. We're flying it here from Atlanta. But there's only a few hundred doses. Nowhere near enough to combat an outbreak"

"So, obviously, the rookie exam will be postponed," Grey says. "The Feds are asking us to be their boots on the ground while they set up a command center here. First order of business to I.D. Corey's partner/killer. So you'll conduct field interviews with the other passengers on the bus"

"Do we think Corey's killer is operating alone now?" Bishop asks.

"No," Russo shakes her head. "We think there's one more, a local who picked him up at the bus station"

"So, okay, this is extremely sensitive," Grey says. "We can't risk the news getting out and causing a panic. That being said, you can warn your immediate families to stay away from populated areas, but no details. Understood? All right. Let's go get these guys"

Mirana watches as everyone grabs their phones to begin calling loved ones as they leave the room. Bishop approaches her causing Mirana to look at the woman.

"No one to call?" Bishop asks.

"No, you?"

"No, I suppose that's one good thing about being alone,"

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