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Mirana yawns before she takes a large mouthful of her coffee

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Mirana yawns before she takes a large mouthful of her coffee. Jackson glances at her, noticing the bags under her eyes that are visible even with makeup.

"You okay?" He asks.

"Yeah, just not been sleeping great," Mirana replies and Jackson smirks at her. "Not like that. He's asleep as soon as his head hits the pillow and I'm left wandering around the house like a fantasma"

"Maybe you should try some Chamomile tea," Jackson suggests.

"Maybe," Mirana says. "Right now I'm caffeine-reliant because I went to sleep at four this morning and had to be up at six to get ready for work. Now we're standing watching kids play football"

"I'm sure if we have time, Tim will let you nap," Jackson says.

"Hopefully," Mirana says with a yawn as Tim walks over with one of the coaches.

"This is Coach Wilkie," Tim says. "This is Jackson West and Mirana Cabrera"

"Nice to meet you," Wilkie says, shaking their hands.

"Hey, nice move," Jackson says.

"Ooh! Great hands," Tim adds.

"I hate this shirt," Mirana murmurs and Tim nudges her. "What?"

"That is AJ. Most pure talent on the team," Wilkie says.

"Kid's gonna get recruited hard," Jackson says.

"Oh, we don't care about that," Wilkie shakes his head. "When AJ joined us, his grades were in the trash. Now he's on the honor roll, wants to go to college. That's what we care about"

"That's actually really great," Mirana nods. "How do you help them manage school work and practise?"

"We teach them time management skills," Wilkie says, waving AJ over. "We also will help them with homework, especially those who go home to a turbulent environment"

"Hey, you like that move?" AJ asks as he approaches.

"It's all right against a 12-year-old," Tim replies. "You're gonna have to up your footwork, when you get to real competition, though"

"Nah, I run footwork drills every morning. I'll be ready," AJ says confidently.

"And at night?" Tim asks.

"Catching drills. Harder to see the ball, increases hand-eye coordination. Any other questions?" AJ asks.

"No, not at this time," Tim says.

"Ignore him, I do," Mirana says to AJ who laughs.

"AJ!" A woman calls and AJ's face drops.

"What is she doing here?" AJ sighs. "I'll be right back"

"His mom," Wilkie says. "Just got released a few months ago. Transition's been rough on both of them"

"What was she in for?" Jackson asks.

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